Installed a chrome extension for one OU and now want it installed domain wide

I installed a Chrome extension through the admin console (Devices > Chrome > Apps & extensions > Users & browsers) for a single OU to test it. I now want to expand it to be installed domain wide. I can't seem to figure out how to "move it up" or reverse inherit it so the settings from the single OU are moved to the top level of the domain. Can I do that or do I have to re-install the extension at the top level domain?

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If you apply it at the top level, it will trickle down to the OUs below.  Moving or expanding a setting from a lower OU up is impossible.  It shouldn't take much effort to apply it at the top level to everyone.

The top-level OU shouldn't have any users in it.  It's a master settings enforcement and its settings are inherited by subOUs. Sub OUs have the ability to disable inheritance and change settings.  If you want the setting changed for everyone, then change it at the top level.  

The main issue with having people in the top OU, if you want these users to have different settings than other OUs each time you change a setting for them it changes for everyone.

@b_gorsky1 were you able to figure this out? I'm having the same issue. I don't see an option to move the extension from a single OU to the top-level/main OU. I tried deleting the extension from the single OU then clicked on the top-level main OU and tried to re-install the extension but it keeps installing into the single or sub OU.

I removed it from the single OU and applied it at the top level and it worked. Make sure you are selected on the top level; I've made that mistake many a time as it is a bit confusing.

I just applied it to the top OU and then Google automatically adjusted the single sub OU to inherited.