Let external domains change all the activities / book meeting rooms

Hi! We are two companies sitting physically together in the same office where we share physical meeting rooms. But we have to separate Google workspaces, Heydays.no, and goods.no. We struggle to book shared meeting rooms (registered in Heydays.no account) for the users in the Goods.no workspace. I've given the employees in Goods.no access through "Share with specific people", but they are not allowed to "Change activities" i.e. book meetings in these rooms. Once I've chatted with Google Workspace support they told me "For security reasons, you just can let external domains see all the activities but they can not change them". I would love this to be a possibility and still be able to use Google in this way ๐Ÿ˜„ 

They can get access to "See all activities" but not "change activities". 

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Same issue. Same company separated into separate entities with different email domains. We need to book same rooms and resources like projectors.

Same issue. Multiple entities working in same building and need to book shared rooms and resources.

Hi Ida,

This is possible but not the way you're trying. Calendar resources are defined at domain level (or account level, as you can have multiple domains), so it's normal that you can't see them externally under "Rooms" in Calendars of external users.

But you can book resources in 3 different ways and only one (the best one, yes) is not available to external users. For external users you can share the resource calendar with them with rights to create events and then they can use a resource as any other calendar that they see on the left sidebar with the list of calendars. Another option to book a resource is to invite it as if it were a user, using the URL of the resource calendar.

Some Admin console setting will affect this, so if you have any issues let me know. You can also reach out to me directly. I've sent you a request on LinkedIn so if you need help let me know.


While that works, and we currently use it as a workaround, it's not a very cohesive user experience when different resources need to be scheduled in different ways.

For our main resources we duplicate them across domains and then use apps script to keep schedules in sync. It works but it is not optimal and has issues with eg re-scheduling.