Moving an alias domain to its own


Im very new to workspaces so please bare with me if this doesnt make sense 

i am looking to seperate an alias domain i have from the main businesses account to its own account .

my question is what happens to any accounts that have have the alias as the email address. Eg facebook has the alias domain as the login. if i cancel the alias email and re add it on its own domain with the exact email that was used previously will that allow me to continue using the same account or do i need to tranfer owner ship to a gmail account when i cancel the alias account and them re tranfer to the new workspace account once its live 


Not sure I fully understand what you mean, but if you remove the alias domain from your main Google Workspace account and then add it to another, you can keep using it like before. You'll just have a separate login to your new, separate Email account. You will need to recreate the same email addresses on the new account, of course, otherwise no emails can be received there. 

You could also convert the alias domain to a secondary domain and keep it in your Workspace account, if that helps. 

@Damo-y-12 I believe if you check you will find that the 3rd party apps are tied to the account not the email address.  HTH, KAM