Request for Assistance: Enabling Google Slides Recording Function

Hello everyone,

I trust this message finds you all in good spirits. I recently stumbled upon a nifty recording feature in Google Slides, showcased in this resource: [link]. Strangely, it seems to be missing from my account, unlike those of my peers. As an educator, having access to this feature is crucial for me.

I've tried a few workarounds, including using a different account (including my school one) and logging in via an incognito window as suggested by the Google One team. Unfortunately, none of these measures have resolved the issue. The recording button refuses to appear consistently. It briefly flashes after refreshing the page, only to vanish again moments later. It's quite frustrating, to be honest.

Your swift assistance in addressing this matter would be immensely appreciated.

Thank you kindly!

Solved Solved
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Ah, sorry, I missed that detail. It's still dependent on which edition of Workspace you have. Quoting from the end of the original announcement last November ( ) :

Available to Google Workspace Business Standard, Business Plus, Enterprise Starter, Enterprise Essentials, Enterprise Essentials Plus, Enterprise Standard, Enterprise Plus and Education Plus

View solution in original post


Two thoughts:

1) It could be to do with a browser issue, such as a plugin or extension. Have you tried from a different browser (like Firefox or Safari) instead of Chrome?

2) The availability of the Meet recording feature depends on which Google Workspace edition you are on. See for the details (see the line about "Record meetings & save them to Drive")

Hope that helps,


Dear Ian,

Thank you sincerely for your prompt response, it's greatly appreciated.

Regarding your first suggestion, I did indeed explore the option of utilizing different browsers, however, the issue persisted.

About your second suggestion, I want to clarify that my inquiry pertains not to utilizing Google Meet for recording Google Slides, but rather to leverage the built-in recording function within Google Slides itself. I have attached a screenshot for your reference, highlighting the specific feature in question. Unfortunately, it seems to appear only momentarily upon refreshing the page, before disappearing once more. Consequently, my aim is to ascertain how to extend its visibility, allowing me to execute the subsequent steps outlined in the instructional video referenced earlier (

Your assistance on this matter would be greatly appreciated.

Warm regards,

Screen Shot 2024-02-09 at 5.19.23 PM.png

I am having the same issue. It briefly shows but disappears as soon as the slide page is fully loaded. I'm the super admin for our school's Google Workspace, but have not been able to find anything in our Workspace settings.

Do you have an Education Plus license applied to your account? For schools, it's only available to EduPlus users. (See my reply above.)

Ah, sorry, I missed that detail. It's still dependent on which edition of Workspace you have. Quoting from the end of the original announcement last November ( ) :

Available to Google Workspace Business Standard, Business Plus, Enterprise Starter, Enterprise Essentials, Enterprise Essentials Plus, Enterprise Standard, Enterprise Plus and Education Plus

Thank you very much for your responses. Really appreciate them. 

We have the same issue with some (not all) users seeing the record button and then it disappears. All teachers are in the same org unit

Have you assigned Education Plus licenses to all of the teachers? See

Dear Ian,

I'd like to add that I attempted to use a different Google account linked to "," which is my university's email domain. However, I'm still unable to see the recording button. Shouldn't my school email automatically grant me an Education Plus account?

Thank you for your assistance and prompt responses.

Best regards,

No--Education Plus is an extra-cost add-on that your school can choose to purchase. It's a per-user license, so once the school purchases it, they would need to apply it specifically to the accounts they wanted to have that license. I'd suggest getting in touch with your IT helpdesk to enquire about whether you have (or can get) an Education Plus license.

Hello Weneilchen,

The Google Slides Recording Function is only available in the following Google Workspace Account types:

  • Google Workspace Business Standard
  • Business Plus
  • Enterprise Starter
  • Enterprise Essentials
  • Enterprise Essentials Plus
  • Enterprise Standard,
  • Enterprise Plus and Education Plus  



Whoops I missed all the replies sorry for repeating the answer