Unable to Receive Emails from Gmail on My Workplace Email

Hi peeps,

I've tried to troubleshoot this issue but I'm unable to find any solution. Seeking your help!

I've one workplace email address as me@domain.com when I send email from another workplace email address that is me@anotherdomain.com it is working fine I'm able to send and receive the emails. However, when I send and email from me@gmail.com or any gmail address it is throwing user not found issue.




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Can you insert your domain here so we can check if there's more than on entry.


You have to use the MX Tool.

Maybe the email are being routed to another service.

You can track your emails using the email log search service, on the reports panel of your console too.

Best regards,

Jan Carlos


domain name is allgoodseo.com

Sounds like you may not have the MX records for your new Google Workspace instance configured correctly. Check out https://support.google.com/a/answer/140034 for all the details for how to do that.

Hope that helps,


The MX entries seems to be correct.
Can you double check if the recipient was typed correctly?

Yes, I did it.
I've changed MX record from only SMTP.GOOGLE.COM to the previous ones.
It seems there is some bug with new MX record.
