View all tasks assigned to any user, in any space, in one place?

Hi all,

I know I can see all tasks assigned to me in the sidebar on the right, and I know I can see all tasks relevant to a Space from within the space.

However, for an overview, how can I see all assigned tasks for my workspace in a single place, and see what is assigned to whom (and ideally sort by space/assignee)?

Thanks in advance for any help!

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I am also looking for this functionality, did you find a way to do it?

I agree that currently there isn't a mechanism in Chat to see all assigned tasks across Spaces.  But in the Google Tasks service/app these assigned tasks show up and indicate which Space they're from, so you can see all of your Chat/Space tasks in one place.

Thanks Bill. I have this which is helpful. What I'd like to be able to do is see this for all users in my organisation, as an admin, so that we can manage workload across staff. Currently it seems the only way to do this is to get each user to log in and show their task list in their app.

Hi Rwoods. No I haven't found any way to do this yet and have tried every App/Integration I can find. Really hope this gets added as a feature as I'll have to use a different task management environment til there is.

This is my use case as well.
As soon as google adds the functionality either
- for admin users to see tasks assigned across spaces....
- or just for users to see any tasks assigned to OTHERS in any spaces you are apart of

Google tasks will now eliminate 80% of the reason for most smaller teams to use,,, etc, because the combination of google calendar and tasks is so powerful.
I say this with context as I have used google tasks, asana, clickup, etc.

This is exactly right. I'm currently using Clickup and while powerful, the flow is too convoluted. I almost migrated over from Office 365 just for this but this feature of not seeing all employee tasks in a calendar view is a deal breaker for me. I'll keep tabs on this but what a shame...

Agreed. I have tried most other platforms but the lack of "nativeness" is a huge barrier to workflow. So close but yet so far

i all, 

As CEO of a startup using G Suite, I have also been struggling to find a solution like that to ensure no tasks stay open.
Has anyone found a workaround?



No progress I'm afraid.

I have tried Hive, Monday, ToDo, Dodoist, and many more and the solution I've stuck with is...


Not very sophisticated in terms of resource management or progress tracking but great for an overview of what everyone is up to

I am in the process of developing a custom view/app to do exactly this... Its infuriating that there is no task manager view already but... lemons to lemonade I guess. 

They are really ignoring the fundamental needs of business users with this lack of 'view all' functionality.   I'm definitely interested in hearing about whatever you come up with!

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