Dialogflow CX - data store response schema

Hi Team,

I was trying the find the exact schema structure for data store responses. I have a data store that's been configured with FAQ and unstructured documents. By default, in the agent responses, we get "$request.knowledge.answers[0]". I logged the response structure for "$request.knowledge" and found response is something similar to below. I wanted to confirm with the documentation to ensure is that exactly same and what all other key value pairs exist. But I couldn't find the documentation for this schema. Can you please help ? Reason is, I found for FAQ documents =>  [details.response_reason=faq] and for Unstructured documents => [details.response_reason=normal_execution]. So I wanted to re-confirm this with the documentation, so I can do some transitions in my flow based on this values.


  "answers": [
  "questions": [
  "sources": [
        "documentId": "<docuement_id>",
        "title": "<title>"
  "grounding_confidences": [],
  "details": {
    "response_reason": "faq"


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I cannot confirm it 100% since I couldn't find docs referencing it but so far I've seen the same schema!



Thanks @xavidop. I have tested multiple data store responses for both faq and unstructured documents. There’s no changes found in Schema. For FAQ, response_reason was ‘faq’ and grounding_confidences was []. Similarly for unstructured docs, response_reason was ‘normal_execution’ and grounding_confidences was [“<confidence_level>”]. Based on these, i’ve made my transition logics.

can this something be raised as a request in issue tracker?

yeah, you can submit product request via issue tracker!