Imagen image generation access

I got a message "Imagen on VertexAI - Access Granted" after I requested the access. However, I try to access the image generation screen below and it isn't available. If I try to access the form, it says not authorized.

What should I do?






Screenshot 2024-02-27 at 13.57.47.png

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When did you receive the acknowledgement ? Can you try clear cache your browser (or run in incognito/ different browser?) If still persist I would suggest to contact Google support:

hi. I received the email this monday. I tried in an incognito browser with the same result. I will contact support, thanks,

The issue with support is that I do not have premium support. How could I do it?

Same problem here, when I go to "request access", I am led to a Google form where it says that I need permission and "This form can only be viewed by users in the owner's organization.". However, I am logged in with my user for the registered organization.