Trying to use the Stable Diffusion model from Model Garden - getting 503 error


I am trying to deploy and test the Model from Model Garden - Stable Diffusion v 2.1 - these are the steps i followed

Step-1 - Went to Model Garden and selected Stable Diffusion v2.1
Step-2 - View details and clicked Deploy
Step-3 - Followed all the default steps that are given in the deployment window
Step-4 - Model got deployed successfully
Step-5 - To test - created the endpoint and endpoint created successfully 
Step-6 - on the Test Dialog - i provided the input


"instances": [
"prompt": "sample txt to image description"


when i run the online predictions - the process runs and I get an error - 503 and the below error message

 "error": {
   "code": 503,
   "message": "Model server is not available. Please retry. endpoint_id: XXXXXXXX09120, deployed_model_id: XXXXXXXX1312",
   "status": "UNAVAILABLE"

I went to the notebook and read that this error happens 

NOTE: The model weights will be downloaded after the deployment succeeds. Thus additional 5 minutes of waiting time is needed after the above model deployment step succeeds and before you run the next step below. Otherwise you might see a ServiceUnavailable: 503 502:Bad Gateway error when you send requests to the endpoint.

In my case i am running the online predictions after deployment and endpoint creation is done and post that 5-10 minutes time period.

Any help will be appreciated 

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