setup an SSH tunnel server to connect Looker to Google cloud SQL

Sometimes, you need to connect Looker to your database but you are not a data engineer, so it is handy to have a guided step by step. the sources are the Looker SSH tunnel doc and some google cloud SQL doc

In your console, on in compute engine and press create instance:


Select the region closest to your database, select E2

In machine type, press preset and select shared-core and e2-micro


In boot disk, press change:

Select standard permanent disk


Then press select.

Then in identity and api access, select allow full access to all cloud api


Then press create instance. Now next to the ssh button below connect, press open in browser window 


Press authorize


Now enter the following command:

Download the Cloud SQL Auth Proxy:

curl -o cloud-sql-proxy

Make the Cloud SQL Auth Proxy executable:

chmod +x cloud-sql-proxy


Now create a group called looker:

sudo groupadd looker

Create user looker and its home directory:

sudo useradd -m  -g looker  looker

Switch to the looker user:

sudo su - looker

Create the .ssh directory:

mkdir ~/.ssh

Set permissions:

chmod 700 ~/.ssh

Change to the .ssh directory:

cd ~/.ssh

Create the authorized_keys file:

touch authorized_keys

Set permissions:

chmod 600 authorized_keys

Now, in your looker instance, In the Connections page in the Admin section of Looker, select the SSH Server tab.


Then select Add Server. Looker displays the Add SSH Server page:


Add a name to your server!

Press download key, open file and copy the content. 

Go back to the command line and edit the authortized_keys by entering the following command:

Nano authorized_keys

Now copy the key you downloaded from your looker instance. It should only be on one line


Then press f2 to save and confirm pressing Y, and press enter to confirm

Then type exit to go back to your user


We now need to add the ssh-rsa to your server's list of accepted algorithms. Here's how. We need to Edit your sshd_config file:

Sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config

And add the following at the end of the file

HostKeyAlgorithms +ssh-rsa
PubKeyAcceptedAlgorithms +ssh-rsa


Press f2 to save and confirm with Y

now , on your cloud SQL instance, get the instance connection name which should have the format projectID:region:instanceID


And back into the command line, type the following and replace the connection_name with yours:

./cloud-sql-proxy --private-ip projectID:region:instanceID

When the Cloud SQL Auth Proxy starts successfully, a message similar to the following appears in the SSH window:

Listening on for myInstance
Ready for new connections

Now go back to your looker instance, 


For the ip address, you select the public ip address of your vm instance:


You should have this, press test and request fingerprint



Press accept and save


Dont press add connection as it redirects to the old UI

But click on the connection menu and press add connection


Now enter the details of your database, for the host put localhost and port 3306

In optional settings enable ssh tunnel, select your tunnel and press add tunnel.

Add localhost and port 3306

Press save and the test!


And hopefully you will the success sign!



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