Wanted: Chart Testers

Hi everyone,

We’re releasing updates to our UX View Type: Charts and are in need of testers. If you’re interested, please reply to this thread to opt in. Our team will follow up separately to ensure you meet the criteria for this particular feature set. Not everyone who opts in will be the right fit, but there will be plenty of future opportunities to participate.

9 73 4,070


Could you add me under the account of my email as above?

Very much looking forward to testing new features! Thank you Jennifer.

We’re in. @steadglobal.com


I am interested for chart testing

I’d be happy to test the new feature.

I am very interested zach@dcaviesallen.com

I am interested.


Sign me up


I’d be interested:


I’d be interested:


New Member

I use charts extensively. I’m in!

Hi, Am also interested, Pls add senthil.dhanabal@cmenterprises.in.
Is it possible to add new chart in schedule reports?



I want all thing UX/UI!

New Member

I’m excited to see so much enthusiasm from the community. Thank you everyone for jumping on this. We will include you in the first rollout. The goals is test backward compatibility when we rollout the new library. If we did our job right, it should be super boring, everything will look the same with some improvement to the label cropping and overlapping known issues.
But as is sometimes the case when testing with real configuration, you will help us discover some corner cases that our testing hadn’t caught. And that is super valuable and useful to our entire community, albeit possibly slightly frustrating to you during this period.
After we have rolled out the new chart rendering library to all, thanks to your early testing, we will get you involved on some preview of our redefined authoring and interaction experience to seek your early input and feedback… Stay tuned.

Pleas, Could you add me.


Hello everyone,

I’m interested if would be possible
Please the email is geral@tccwhitestone.com .

Thank you!
Best regards!

I am interested in this! Please count me in at pavanip@sidgs.com

Thank you!

Me too! adsibug@globe.com.ph

Please add me. ccomer@renovationsystems.com.


Hi, I’m interested as well,



Sign me up please


I would like to join with the following accout:

I want to make sure our team is covered on this roll out.

Please Add me.

Requested for Chart updates for a while now

Excited to See whats happening and would love to help test and get all the kinks out

Thank you.

Add me too

I’d like to join in.


I am very interested for scientific purposes (I deal with R&D).

Please add me:


That is wonderful I can’t wait to be added

Hi Jennifer!
I want to try, please add me.

I am in. I have been looking at google script to enhance my charts beyond what the UX currently provides and would like to see if the new updates negate the need to do that.

New Member

Thank you everyone. @jared is going to check the new library in the code today, so it should come out with tomorrow’s deployment. (Mid to later afternoon Pacific time).
It WILL NOT contain any new functionality right now. We are for now focusing on backward compatibility.
While some of the label, legend overlap issues have been addressed and should look a lot better, the rest should actually look exactly the same. So we mostly need you to verify all your apps and make sure the chart render as they did before and we did NOT break you in any way shape or form.

May I even suggest you take a couple of screen shots of the apps you will use today so that you can show us the before and after differences…
When you checked your new app, please respond to this thread and confirm it’s all good, or if not, what is looking different (before and after screenshots are going to be the best).

Once this first stage is rolled-out then we will organize some sessions Mid to late August to show you some of the new features we are working on with this new library. I can’t wait.


Will do, sir.
I just took some screenshots from my production app where the chart appearance looks “not great” and use as baseline for the upcoming comparision works with new liberary.

Looking foward to testing.

Screenshots in the bucket, nothing too fancy though…
@TDhers Quick question for you.
We work with Resource Histograms quite a bit, and one of the things that has always been painful is ensuring that the data includes physical null records that especially work with interactive dashboards. We would love the histogram for example to include a bar for each date min to max and NOT have to have physical null records for the gaps… Is there any way to accomplish this on the reporting end, not the data end?

New Member

I am glad it looks the same, because we haven’t deployed the new library yet

New Member

Grant and Everyone else. We have deployed. Please go at it and test the heck out of our new Chart rendering. Please share discrepancies here and keep @jared, @Arthur_Rallu or I tagged on your feedback.
Don’t forget to also give a thumbs up if all is same or improved with your app charts so that we know we got it right in all other cases…


Ummm these look quite a bit better… The labels, the dots… Legit… The only thing I wish is that when you clicked a dot it took you to that entire record…Also, the “fast chart” when you expand it doesn’t retain teh display name… I’m unsure if these were preexisting conditions.

Thank you for reporting these Grant. @Jared^ @Arthur^

@jared @Arthur_Rallu

Not much time I have spent on the new charts, but it looks awesome. The legends which has been overwrapping, is now nicely “wrapped” in a single line when the space of the view are restricted such as mobile view. The x-axis name which was located in the middle of x-axis which was also overwrapped with item names is now relocated to the upper left of the x axis line. I m impressed. The tooltips looks beatiful to give the quick insight into data when user play with the chart. I will spend more time to find what s new etc.

In the meantime, I found a buggy behaivior, where the code need to be corrected apparently. (Z-index related)

This seems ONLY happen when the chart is placed into Dashboard, interactive mode OFF. The touching screen particular area give a tooltips, but under a certain condition, the tooltips goes behind the chart bar. Above screenshot is sample shot from my app.

After going to full screen mode, this wont happen, only dashboard where the chart view is compacted to smaller size.

Not much new features yet Koichi, mostly fixing rendering and layout issues for now…