2 way SSL testing using SoapUI


We have implemented 2 way SSL between client and APIGEE and trying to test it via SOAPUI.

The steps we have followed

1)Created a jks and uploaded it in soap UI.

2)Extracted the public key from jks and installed the same in APIGEE truststore.

3)When tried hitting the URL from SOAPUI, we are facing 400 Bad Request No required SSL certificate was sent.

Could you please help us here?


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If you are trying to validate 2way SSL configuration bw Apigee and specific client. You can also try with below CURL command.

curl --verbose 'https://<VirtualHost[:IP]>/<apiBasePath>' -X POST -d @body.txt --cert ./<apigee_trust_clientCertificate>.pem --cacert ./<apigee_VHost_pubkey>.pem

Hope this helps.

Hi Prashanth,

I have tried with the curl command and I see the below response.

Does it mean that I'm able to connect to the virtual host??

I have limited understanding on curl, Could you please help me?

* TCP_NODELAY set * Connected to api-test2s.****** (*.*.*.*) port 443 (#0) * response reading failed * Closing connection 0 curl: (56) response reading failed


Hi Anusha,

Could you please let me know if you were able to trace this call in Edge UI.


No I dont see any request coming in.


Could you please try curl '-k' with out passing certs and check if you are able to trace the call, this to verify if this is issue with ssl validation

curl -v -k 'https://<VirtualHost[:IP]>/<apiBasePath>' -X POST -d @body.txt


Hi Prashanth,

Apologies for the delay. We are actually trying to hit the virtual host.

Though I pass -k we couldn't connect to it.



could you please verify below

- check router logs to see any errors related to these api calls

- try verifying if you are able to invoke api endpoint without ssl
