
I was trying to reproduce the OIDC demo, but got stuck on this error. Everything looks good on the Edge trace tool as I use the URL builder link. It hits my heroku app and returns this error.

Apigee Demo


Heroku Error logs show this. I see a 500 internal server error on the page.



37| <div>
38| <input type="hidden" id='sessionid' name='sessionid' value="<%= txid %>" />
>> 39| <input type="hidden" id='oidcserver' name='oidcserver' value="<%= oidcserver %>" />
40| <input type="hidden" id='client_id' name='client_id' value="<%= client_id %>" />
41| <input type="hidden" id='response_type' name='response_type' value="<%= response_type %>" />
42| <input type="hidden" id='requestedScopes' name='requestedScopes' value="<%= req_scope %>" />

oidcserver is not defined

0 3 210

I'm sorry about the trouble.

Let me have a look.

EDIT : I've got the same error. Fixing it now.

I confirmed that this is a problem in the previous version of that repo.

I've updated the repo, and it should work correctly now.

Give it a shot. git pull and try again.

Thanks Dino! I'll give it another try.