Apigee Hybrid - different pod configuration for each environment


Hi Apigee community,

We are using Apigee Hybrid 1.9 and have 4 environments installed on the AKS cluster. We want to test one environment and therefore the number of pods needs to increase for this environment. During autoscaling, the number of runtime pods increases the same way for each environment.

In the config/values.yaml file, I see that it is possible to adjust the settings for the runtime pods, but I do not see the possibility to do this separately for each environment. So is there any chance to configure values such as replicaCountMax, cpu and memory only for one environment?



Thank you! 

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Env level override for min/max setting in overrides.yaml was introduced in Hybrid 1.9 release. However the documentation is not updated yet - https://cloud.google.com/apigee/docs/hybrid/v1.9/config-prop-ref#envs - we will update the docs soon.

I recommend using those overrides, since the above approach might be reverted during upgrades. In fact, we will deprecate the approach defined here: https://cloud.google.com/apigee/docs/hybrid/v1.8/scale-and-autoscale#advancedconfigs when we update the docs with env level overrides.

Thank you @ganadurai it helps to solve the issue