Apigee New Developer Portal (Beta)


We are using your new developer portal. Few limitations I have encountered. I have also raises this with Apigee Product PM. Can you please look into below items.

1. On some page, we would like to have our own page written in ReactJS and bundled in web pack script. However, we cannot insert our own custom javascript code for that page only. If we put custom javascript, it will apply to all pages. Can you please make that feature available for us?

2. In the markdown page editor, if we try to put in JSON object block, it seem the curly bracket { } makes the page unable to load.

3. There is no revision history to roll back any changes we makes, it seems the markdown pages or theme css is auto save.

4. Is there any Apigee Management API to directly update the markdown pages in the portal.

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Thanks for the feedback. I'll take each in turn:

  1. What is the nature of the experience you're trying to enable via JavaScript?
  2. A known issue that's being tracked
  3. Planned to address in a future release
  4. There are APIs, but they're not yet released. I'll reach out to you separately, thanks.


1. a) We are doing our own custom API Products list and filter view, using the environment and custom attribute called using Management API.

b) We also have our own individual API Product landing page sync to our own git repo Markdown.

2. Thanks.

3. Thanks.

4. Please provide thru Madhan (our Apigee PM channel). Thanks.