Apigeetool seamless deployment (zero downtime)

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I was reading about seamless deployment in apigee (https://docs.apigee.com/api-platform/deploy/deploy-api-proxies-using-management-api#seamless) and was wondering if apigeetool uses this. There is a similar post (https://community.apigee.com/questions/5842/does-apigee-127-deploy-proxies-without-downtime.html) that mentions that apigee-127 has seamless deployment. However, I am unsure if apigeetool has it too.

From what I know, apigeetool has a 60s delay. Would that mean that is utilises the seamless deployment aspect of apigee?

2 1 1,035

Apigeetool does use zero downtime deployment.

Looking at the code in the repo:


You will see:

var DeploymentDelay = 60;
var deployCmd = util.format('action=deploy&override=true&delay=%d', DeploymentDelay);

Which aligns to the management API:
