Are details missing from the Audit Logs?

Not applicable


I'm interested in logging privileged User actions within Apigee. The Audit Logs don't always appear to have the right amount of detail. For example, when I add a new User the Audit log shows, "Update user undefined" and doesn't indicate the email of the User added. Am I not looking at the logs correctly, or is there a way to get more details in the UI or API? When I remove a User the log shows Delete user and the email of the User that was deleted.

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@Ritchie Drews , Thank you for highlighting this issue. I can able to reproduce your issue. Definitely i see it as a bug.

Audit logs are showing user undefined in the UI when the org Admin is added using the Edge UI.

Audit logs shows correct details including the user email information when the user is added using the API here & retrieved using Audit logs API here & In the UI when you hover on the link.



I will let engineering team know about this (MGMT- 4025).

We will keep you posted if any updates. Inconvenience is regretted