Can we add snippets of code in different languages to API in Apigee Developer Portal

Hello Team,

Is there any possibility to add different language code snippets for an API to test in Apigee Beta Developer Portal?

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Hi @sravani Ganapam, if I understand you correctly, you want to provide sample snippets of code for your customers who will be consuming your APIs and you are using the integrated developer portal? Is my understanding correct? If so, then yes, you can do this. I would recommend creating a separate page for the Code snippets. You can use the “pre” and “code” tag like this:


Put code here...



I want to provide different code snippets in developer portal like .NET, JAVA, Python, C#. Is it possible?

In the attached screen shot curl is available similarly I want to add the mentioned languages in beta version.


can you please share sample or article to follow to do this. 

Here is an example of using `code snippets` in the Integrated Portal:

There are links on how to do this on the same page.