Can we have multiple quota option in product

As per apigee documentation, to have quota on microgateway, we can define the quota while defining a product. there we have 4 option to set the quota.e.g. min, hour, day and month. but at max we can only define one quota. Is there any provision to have multiple quota for the product. like hour and month both for a proxy. In edge we can have custom attribute which can be checked in quota policy but my requirement is to have this microgateway

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So @krushna.padhee.ap I think there is an option for your use case.

Create two products:

Product A: with a quota of 10 per day

Product B: with a quota of 150 per month

When creating a developer app, select both products.

EdgeMicro should enforce whichever rule is triggered first.

View solution in original post


Hi @krushna.padhee.ap,

By default apigee provides quota checks on one time unit in a single quota policy.

But by using custom attributes on products you can create multiple quota policies based on your order of priority.

For example:

Product 1 has default attributes for quota limit, time unit and interval - define these according to your default settings for most high priority quota.

Create custom attributes for say hour-limit, hour-interval and month-limit, month-interval.

Create two quota policies in your proxy and attach based on priority like first hour quota check then monthly quota check.

Use the above custom attributes in corresponding quota policy like for hourly quota use hour-limit and hour-interval same way for monthly quota use month-limit, month-interval.

If you want to set the default check then you can use the default limit, interval and timeunit variables to do so.

Hope this helps 🙂

Hi Zuber,

Yes that is possible in edge but not in microgateway and my requirement is for microgateway. Thanks ..

Former Community Member
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Can you please add some details to why you'd want > 1 quota for a product instead of two products with different quotas?

Hi Sridhar,

I want to have two different types of quota for a product. e.g. 10 calls per day and 150 calls per month. similarly per min and per year combination as well.

Former Community Member
Not applicable

So @krushna.padhee.ap I think there is an option for your use case.

Create two products:

Product A: with a quota of 10 per day

Product B: with a quota of 150 per month

When creating a developer app, select both products.

EdgeMicro should enforce whichever rule is triggered first.

Hi Sridhar,

The solution seems working. I will do some more testing..

Thanks a lot for the solution.