Changing javacallout policy upload jar size limit.


I have changed the property in the following locations: cassandra.yaml (in Cassandra) and conf/apigee/management- server/ 
when i restart the Cassandra node it reverts the property thrift_framed_transport_size_in_mb back to the default size of 15 MB.

Any help here would be appreciated


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Contact Apigee support for this issue.  

sure, but is there any other way to upload a jar more than the set/default limit.

Not as far as I know.  If you have a large application with all that logic, it's  better to host it externally from Apigee, for example in an app server or in something like knative.

Apigee is not a general purpose app server. Small things are ok to do in a Java callout (signatures, encryption, and so on), but large things that require 15MB jar files.... not so much. 

BTW, I am not certain that  thrift_framed_transport_size_in_mb is the jar size limit.  I don't know about that property. That's why I suggested that you contact Apigee support. 

Actually, the support team suggests me to change this property thrift_framed_transport_size_in_mb in relation path. 

MY jar file is not too much big, the actual jar includes 95% of supporting libraries, actual logic is only 2-3 MB in size. I am sure alot of people must have face this issue and there must a valid solution there as well.

Do you have any other option on the table?

Other options that I can see might be: 

  • eliminate as many dependencies on fat JARs , whatever they are. 
  • implement it in Python, maybe it will be simpler?
  • implement it in JavaScript
  • host the java logic externally (I suggested that above)