Coursera - Mediation and Security Lab - Error invalid credentials error

Not applicable

@Sai Saran Vaidyanathan

After adding the AM-Set-Credentials policy, and adding the token to the policy, I am still getting the following error:

For some reason, I am unable to upload any pictures or .zip files. Something is wrong with this forum.

    "error": "invalid_credentials",
    "error_description": "Credentials not found.",
    "exception": ""
0 6 286

Hi @Ivan De Los Santos - thanks for the trace, looks like you have a Raise Fault policy without a condition. Can you confirm you added the Assign Message policy ?

Not applicable
@Sai Saran Vaidyanathan

Yes, the policy was added.


ok. Can you add me to your org ? My email is

You can navigate to the Admin section on the left menu and add users. Once this issue is resolved, you can remove me from your org

Not applicable

Done! I granted you the operations administrator's role. Let me know if this would not work.

Thank you!

Thanks @Ivan De Los Santos

Couple of things:

  1. You should not be changing anything in the edge-developer-training-backend and edge-developer-training-backend proxies
  2. Those proxies are created as part of the setup so that you can use that as a backend for your course
  3. I don't see the Products proxy that you should have built using the OpenAPI spec

I think you have missed few labs

My recommendation for you would be - delete these proxies (because you made few changes to them), run the setup again so that the two proxies are created again and start from Lab 1.

Ok. Thank you for taking to debug. I will do as you as you suggest, and start all over again.

Thank you!