Deploying Apigee hybrid 1.4.2 to Kubernetes using HELM chart is supported ? or what's the alternative other than Apigee docs listed steps

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For a simple GKE-based topology with a one-line install:

For an end-to-end multi-cloud topology with example of terraform infra provisioning and CI/CD hybrid install automation, you can start with:

@ylesyuk Thanks for response.

In reference to listed steps in url

We are using Apigee Hybrid 1.4.2 with AKS, Observed link lists following steps for cert-manager and ASM installation of Apigee hybrid, hence I can create the Helm chart for below commands referring the listed yaml file ? to install certmanager and ASM with Helm ?

# source <env-conf-file>

source $AHR_HOME/bin/ # for get_platform_suffix
export PLATFORM=${PLATFORM:-linux} # linux | osx | win
export ASM_PROFILE=${ASM_PROFILE:-asm-gcp}
export ASM_VERSION=${ASM_VERSION:-1.7.3-asm.6}
export ASM_TEMPLATE=$HYBRID_HOME/anthos-service-mesh-packages/asm/istio/istio-operator.yaml
export ASM_CONFIG=$HYBRID_HOME/istio-operator.yaml

That's right. you can.

actually, when I install cert-manager into a different [non-default] namespace, I use helm3:

helm install \
  cert-manager jetstack/cert-manager \
  --namespace poc-cert-manager \
  --version v0.16.1 \
  --set installCRDs=true

But for a straightforward install, that's an overkill.

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