Does Apigee Edge Hybrid and On Premise Version support containerized deployment over Redhat Open Shift?

Apigee Community Gurus,

Does Apigee Edge API Gateway Hybrid and On Premise Version support containerized deployment over Redhat Open Shift?

If not can a containerized version be deployed over Azure AKS or VM ware ?

Please forward me if there is any official documentation for this.


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Former Community Member
Not applicable

Apigee hybrid is not supported on OpenShift. Here is the list of supported platforms for Apigee hybrid:

Anthos runs on VMWare (vSphere 6.5 or 6.7). Apigee hybrid is supported on Anthos.

Apigee Edge Private Cloud (aka OPDK) is not supported on OpenShift. Here is the list of supported platforms for Apigee Edge Private Cloud:

@Former Community Member @dino  please update if Apigee hybrid on Red Hat OpenShift cluster supported  ?

Referred Apigee hybrid supported platforms and versions  |  Apigee X  |  Google Cloud was not clear 

Yes, things have changed in the 2 years since Nandan replied above. 

Apigee hybrid is supported on Anthos.  You can use the Anthos-on-OpenShift version, as specified in the supported platforms list here: