Download Apigee release after 4.16.1

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Hi all , i am on the officla web site of Apigee.

When i click on the link for RPM download after release 4.16.1 i see blank page, any suggestion to how proceed?

This is the link i found on the web site :



0 25 687

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Starting on 16.01, Edge packaging and distribution are based on RPMs. You must follow the installation instructions and perform a bootstrap to install the software.

The bootstrap command corresponding to 4.16.01 is:

curl -s -o /tmp/edge/

Installation instructions for Private Cloud are found here:

Hi @Maudrit, i want install version 4.17.05 can u suggest me the link to follow for installation of Apigee api manager? I am a bit confused because is not clear what specific document installation guide follow for install 4.17.05



@Cosimo I may not understand your need then. The link I'm providing above is the installation guide for Apigee Edge 4.17.05. Isn't that the software and version you want to install?

Hi @Maudrit , i am following the guide line related to Apigee Edge 4.17.05, i have some error and failed repository :

Cannot open: Skipping. Error: Nothing to do Error: Repo configuration failed

Please see attached log of all the steps performed, do u have any idea about this fail?

Many Thanks


Make sure your credentials for are correct. These are the same credentials you use for See example below:


1. Download bootstrap

curl -o /tmp/

2. Install bootstrap

Replace uName and pWord by your credentials.

sudo bash /tmp/ apigeeuser=uName apigeepassword=pWord

3. Install apigee-setup utility

/opt/apigee/apigee-service/bin/apigee-service apigee-setup install

4. Install component

On the example below this correspond to the data store profile (Cassandra and Zookeeper).

/opt/apigee/apigee-setup/bin/ -p ds -f configFile

-f correspond to the response file (config file) you past to the installer. You must create this file in advance and place it in a location where apigee user can read (apigee user in Linux). Typically we place the files during installation on /tmp/apigee.

Go over the installation guide for additional details and prerequisites:

If you have problems with the credentials, please reach out to Apigee support.

Thank you @Maudrit how i can ask credentials?


Hi @Maudrit thank you for, i found old ftp credentials and seems it worked. Could u please have a look to this log i see it ends with Success but i see some error in the begin related to repository installation.

If is good i can proceed with the next step ? opt/apigee/apigee-service/bin/apigee-service apigee-setup install



I see anyway that under these error is wrote (error can be ignored) so i think everything is fine till now.

Those errors are really the way for the installer to indicate it is looking for a dependency, not finding it and proceeding installing it. It can be ignored.

@Cosimo , Answers are strictly for answers. Use comments for follow up / discussions / thank you messages. Thank you for your assistance in keeping the community standards.


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Hi @Maudrit i am proceeding with the installation.

Now i have a doubt about this command line :

> /opt/apigee/apigee-service/bin/apigee-service compName install

The Edge RPMs that you install on the node depend on your topology. The list of available components includes: apigee-provision, apigee-validate, apigee-zookeeper, apigee-cassandra, apigee-openldap, edge-ui, edge-management-server, edge-ui, edge-router, edge-message-processor, apigee-postgresql, apigee-qpidd, edge-postgres-server, edge-qpid-server.

My doubt is, which is the component to specify in order to have an API Manager? Also second question i have to run this command line more times in order to install all the component related to the API Manager?



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I found a list of component to install for haveing Apigee Gateway :

Software Components Edge Gateway is built from the following primary components:

Edge Management Server Apache ZooKeeper Apache Cassandra Edge Router Edge Message Processor OpenLDAP Edge UI

I will proceed to install them one by one.



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Just can you confirm me if i can list all the component in only one command line or i have to run the command line for each component? If yes, there is any dependency to match?



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Do you want all the components on the same machine? In that case use aio profile.
This has everything that you wanted. @Cosimo

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Thank you @Maruti Chand i guess AIO option is good for me i have to install all in one node.

Reading on the page u suggested me i see this command line

>/opt/apigee/apigee-setup/bin/ -p component-f configFile
I want ask u if is required to do this step and if yes how prepare the configfile.

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Hi @Maruti Chand about config file i am looking this example can i use it? Can u say me how change it? is it enough just replace the IP of machine?



# IP address or DNS name of nodes.
IP1= Management Server, OpenLDAP, UI, ZooKeeper, Cassandra
IP2= ZooKeeper, Cassandra
IP3= ZooKeeper, Cassandra
IP4= Router, Message Processor
IP5= Router, Message Processor
IP6= Qpid
IP7= Qpid
IP8= Postgres
IP9= Postgres# Must resolve to IP address or DNS name of host - not to or localhost.
HOSTIP=$(hostname -i)# Set Edge sys admin credentials.
APIGEE_ADMINPW=yourPassword    # If omitted, you are prompted for it.# Location of Edge license file.

# Management Server information.
MSIP=$IP1    # IP or DNS name of Management Server node. # Specify the port the Management Server listens on for API calls.# APIGEE_PORT_HTTP_MS=8080    # Default is 8080.## OpenLDAP information.## Set to y if you are connecting to a remote LDAP server. # If n, Edge installs OpenLDAP when it installs the Management Server.

# If connecting to remote OpenLDAP server, specify the IP/DNS name and port.# LDAP_HOST=$IP1    # IP or DNS name of OpenLDAP node.# LDAP_PORT=10389   # Default is 10389.

# Specify OpenLDAP without replication, 1, or with replication, 2.
LDAP_TYPE=1# Set only if using replication.# LDAP_SID=1    # Unique ID for this LDAP server. # LDAP_PEER=    # IP or DNS name of LDAP peer.


# The Message Processor and Router pod.

# The name of the region, corresponding to the data center name.
REGION=dc-1# Use dc-1 unless installing in a # multi-data center environment. # ZooKeeper information.# See table below if installing in a multi-data center environment.
ZK_HOSTS="$IP1 $IP2 $IP3"# IP/DNS names of all ZooKeeper nodes. 
ZK_CLIENT_HOSTS="$IP1 $IP2 $IP3"# IP/DNS names of all ZooKeeper nodes.# Cassandra information.
CASS_CLUSTERNAME=Apigee# Default name is Apigee.# IP (not DNS names) of the Cassandra hosts separated by spaces.
CASS_HOSTS="$IP1:1,1 $IP2:1,1 $IP3:1,1"# Set to enable Cassandra authentication.# CASS_AUTH=y    # The default value is n.# Cassandra uname/pword required if you enabled Cassandra authentication.# CASS_USERNAME=# CASS_PASSWORD=# Set Postgres password. Default is postgres.

# Use to enable Postgres master-standby replication# when you have multiple Postgres nodes. # PG_MASTER=IPorDNSofNewMaster# PG_STANDBY=IPorDNSofOldMaster# SMTP information.
SKIP_SMTP=n       # Skip now and configure later by specifying "y".
SMTPPORT=465# If no SSL, use a different port, such as 25.
SMTPMAILFROM="My Company <>"

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Hi all, any suggestion on my last question related to Config file?



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Hi, i have used the config file found at link

and ran the command line

/opt/apigee/apigee-setup/bin/ -p ds -f configFile Using defaults from configFile Service setup apigee-zookeeper [sudo] password for apigee: Sorry, try again. [sudo] password for apigee:

As u can see i dont have the password, i am using the same password used for ftp download but doesnt work. Do you know what password i have to put here? I also tried Secret123 present into config file but nothing.

Please let me know



You need to run the setup as root or any user with full sudo access . check this @Cosimo

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hi all, i ran the setup as root, please see the attached log and the configFile and let me know please what you think about the error.

command-setup.txtconfigfile.txtThank you


HOSTIP=$(hostname -i) doesn't look good.
Give your ip or use hostname-i in your IP1

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Hi @maruti thank you i attache the log i dont see error so seems everything installed/setup peroperly. Can u confirm the installation is ended and now i can start the edge?



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looks good!. Close this question if you are good with this and post as a new question for you next questions. @Cosimo