Drupal based portal with PosgreSQL

I am trying to set up Drupal 8 based developer portal with PostgreSQL instead of default MySQL.

I am following steps from Use Kickstart with Apigee Edge for Private Cloud. The only modification I have made is to install Postgres instead of MySQL.

Unfortunately, I have hit a wall when running Drupal site installer at "Set up database" step. The only option is to use MySQL.

Is there a way to do this set up with postgres?

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Not applicable

install postgres document for earlier version of developer portal kit is available. You may try that.

ref: https://docs.apigee.com/private-cloud/v4.18.01/developer-services-portal-installation

Thank you for the suggestion, but that was not it.

All I had to do is to install php7.3-pgsql, and Drupal site installer worked.