Dynamic Subdomain Target from URL Path,Dynamic Subdomain based on Path

New Member

I have an API that performs long running file based operations. For every task started we first assign a server, denoted by a subdomain, and then the client needs to upload a file to that server.

I would like to use apigee to convert URL paths and proxy the request to a specific subdomain.


A) https://eval-prod.apigee.net/server1 should be routed to https://server1.myapidomain.com/

B) https://eval-prod.apigee.net/server2 should be routed to https://server2.myapidomain.com/

C) https://eval-prod.apigee.net/server3 should be routed to https://server3.myapidomain.com/

The number of servers is not fixed and as such, we can't hard-code each of these paths.

Is there a way to extract the path from the URL and generate a target based off of that?

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