Error:14082174:SSl routines;ssl3_check_cert-and-algorithm:dh key too small:openssl\ssl\s3_clnt.c3615

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I am running my automation scripts to test end point with https, I am getting the following error:

Error:14082174:SSl routines;ssl3_check_cert-and-algorithm:dh key too small:openssl\ssl\s3_clnt.c3615

I am attaching the mock.js and FunctionalTest.feature screen shots.

Could you please suggest me where is the problemm.

This request is working in Postman and SOAP UI. The same headers I am sending in the script.

I would appreciate for your early response.

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Hi @Veeraprasad Therukalla,

Are you testing directly the TIBCO end-points (without Apigee Edge in between) or testing proxy deployed at Apigee Edge which in-turn connects to TIBCO end-points? I guess, first is the scenario.

My guess is TIBCO server is using less secure DH (Diffie-Hellman) keys during the TLS handshake. Recent version of OpenSSL enforces a non-weak DH key. Most probable fix is to upgrade/fix their software at server side or at client side, use compatible (/older) SSL lib (libssl n.x.y).

Regards, Rajesh Doda

View solution in original post


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Attached results errors img-20160519-091534.jpg

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Hi @Veeraprasad Therukalla,

Are you testing directly the TIBCO end-points (without Apigee Edge in between) or testing proxy deployed at Apigee Edge which in-turn connects to TIBCO end-points? I guess, first is the scenario.

My guess is TIBCO server is using less secure DH (Diffie-Hellman) keys during the TLS handshake. Recent version of OpenSSL enforces a non-weak DH key. Most probable fix is to upgrade/fix their software at server side or at client side, use compatible (/older) SSL lib (libssl n.x.y).

Regards, Rajesh Doda


The last part of the sentence, "(/older)", is what I don't understand.

Why not pairing both SSL endpoints but at the newest version?

Has TIBCO server something to do with preferring pairing toward the older version of SSL?

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How to add SSL certificates in cucumber Automation?