Error (500)(unchecked_execution): java.lang.NullPointerException when doing a get on an entity

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I've been getting this error at times when I am doing a get request on an entity. It works sometimes and sometimes gives this error

Error (500)(unchecked_execution): java.lang.NullPointerException

There are two asynchronous calls being made and either one of them fails at times. About 50% of time I get the null pointer exception. Any idea why this would be happening? I see the same error when I try to open the entity from the Apigee App Services UI too.


0 9 1,272

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i have the same problem Any idea how i can solve it?

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I've been getting the exact same thing intermittently. Is someone looking into this?



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Can you please provide a sample proxy..I will try to replicate the same

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in my case a javascript call via HTTPclient two api baas collection in order to retrive a list of news and another one with the text of it.

The first query retrive the list of the news and the second one get the text of the news using the Id of the news to find them

This its an example

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Here is one which I go last night: *



But if I run it again, it might run fine. I just ran this one this morning and got the error 1 out off 3 times: by sortOrder&limit=300

These requests have all been working fine up until the last day or two.

Thanks for your help!


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This error started happening on 04/30/2015 with the Implementation done on 04/30/2015.

This is happening in the Developer Dashboard when simply switching between collections inside an application (mine is happening inside my SandBox application when switching between collections).

It is also happening with my UserGrid API calls inside my applications.

In the dashboard, you can select one collection and it might return data in the dashboard but on subsequent selections of other collections you will get the "unchecked_execution" error. If you select the collection causing the error AGAIN, it will allow the connection and present the data.

Personally, I think it has something to do with Angular JS "promises" that were implemented in the 04/30/2015 Implementation.

Of interest ... I did get an error in Google Chrome at least once concerning "javascript promises" returning an error and since my applications do not use "promises" one can only assume it is coming from Apigee's end.

This issue is preventing me from putting the finishing touches on my development and beginning Beta testing on an application to provide a mobile solution to the food and drink industry. GlobalSpotz, Inc is right at the point of launching the company and the application(s) nationwide and cannot do so due to this type of disruption.

I am currently looking for an alternative solution for BaaS.

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We're still seeing the issue. We are also blocked because of this issue. Is someone looking into this and fixing it. Please update us on the status of this issue.

In my opinion there is some problem with in built function to access collection, entity etc. I had already wasted lot of time with no luck. What I will suggest is use express and usergrid DataClient request for CRUD on entities.

It works. I have implemented it that way for some of examples.

Gaurav ... this issue started with the 04/30 Implementation. From observing the UI actions in Chrome debugger I am thinking it has to do with the PATH routines in UserGrid.appSDK.js which is NOT allowing the "_" (underscore) as part of the collection name ...

Have you looked into that as a possibility???