Error Code keymanagement.service.DataStoreNotAdded

Getting error Data store not added to the pods of the organization :<org> error code keymanagement.service.DataStoreNotAdded

while trying to create a product getting following error

[ERROR] from application in - Error response from Gateway:
Action: GET

Response Body

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<Message>Data store not added to the pods of the organization :tih</Message>

0 3 410

Issue resolved, run following management server setup command to resolve all Cassandra gaps

/opt/apigee/apigee-setup/bin/ -p ms -f <install file>

Thanks for this solution it worked, could you please explain how it resolved cassandra gaps

hi Raja Sekhar, does it require to installMS again to fill the Cassandra gaps? wh have same issue after adding a new environment to newly created organization, which is added to new POD, seems to be newly created POD is not being recognized by Management server, so do we need to add new POD details to install file and need to setup MS again? we are expecting the solution to our issue?