Error Logs of Router system.logs

Not applicable

I can see the below entry occurring continuously in system.logs of router

ERROR o.a.c.f.r.c.PathChildrenCache - PathChildrenCache.handleException() : 
java.lang.NullPointerException: null
2016-09-26 05:38:47,522  Router-ClientThread-0-3 ERROR Proxy-session - RouterProxySession$ClientContext.onTimeout() : Message Id: Session state: CLOSED MP channel [id: 0x95d0fa6b, :>***.**.**.**:****] timed out
2016-09-26 05:38:47,929  Apigee-Timer-3 WARN  CONNECTION-REAPER - ConnectionReaper$ReaperTask.safeRun() : Client-Connection-Reaper reaped inactive client connections [[id: 0x8cbda008, /1**.**.**.**:***** :>****]]

In the meantime all request are getting timeout. The on premises device which we are currently using is

Any thought's on this will be really helpful.

0 4 195

Hello @Umanng Goel

Can you try to restart the Message Processor and see if it works?

Also, are you guys using a Message Logging policy?

Not applicable


Thanks for your reply.

Restarting of MP worked,Since all the file descriptors or open count has been reset.

Yes we are using message logging policy.

I am assuming that the message logging policy is in the Post Client Flow.

We have a similar problem actually and I was unable to get the logs that @sribalajiwanted me to get for him. The current concensus we had was that this is caused by MessageLogging in the PostClientFlow. I have moved this policy to the response postflow and so far have not seen the issue pop up again.

@sribalaji perhaps Umanng can help us get the logs?

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