Error when associating new env to analytics


We are calling the api in this documentation to associate the new evn to analytics

We created a sample json file by copying the content in the documentation above and made the API call.

This is the json file we use to make the api call

  "properties" : {
    "samplingAlgo" : "reservoir_sampler",
    "samplingTables" : "10=ten;1=one;",
    "aggregationinterval" : "300000",
    "samplingInterval" : "300000",
    "useSampling" : "100",
    "samplingThreshold" : "100000"
  "servers" : {
    "postgres-server" : [ "2c744b1c-e75c-4ce4-8379-1769d994bf00"],  
    "qpid-server" : [ "0a7baaea-8e60-44ca-b675-24cdaaaf8753"] 

However, we got this error

  "message": "Unexpected character ('-' (code 45)) in numeric value: expected digit (0-9) to follow minus sign, for valid numeric value\n at [Source: org.apache.cxf.transport.http.AbstractHTTPDestination$1@61d4fba1; line: 1, column: 3]",
  "contexts": []

Any ideas and how to fix this?

0 2 254

Hi, anyone knows?

Which version of OPDK? Did you try below? Check the operations guide which might help.

/<inst_root>/apigee/apigee-service/bin/apigee-service apigee-provision enable-ax -f configFile