Filter a custom report by Conditional Flow name

I have a conditional flow inside my default Proxy Endpoint which includes a dynamic value in the condition, something like:

<Flow> "Proxy Endpoint Flow 1" </Flow>

<Condition> proxy.pathsuffix matches /{accountId}/proxypathsuffix </Condition>

I have the following Dimensions:

  1. Proxy BasePath
  2. Proxy PathSuffix

And the following Filter condition:

(proxy_basepath like '%proxyName%') and (proxy_pathsuffix like '%proxyPathSuffix%') 

I'm trying to get a custom report for average response time for all the calls that go through "Proxy Endpoint Flow 1", but I'm getting the results by {accountId}, like the following:

  • /accountId123/proxyPathSuffix
  • /account124/proxyPathSuffix
  • /account125/proxyPathSuffix

This kind of make sense since the accountId is included in the conditional flow, but is there a way to get the average response time for the whole proxyPathSuffix flow not filtered by the dynamic value (accountId)?

0 1 331

Not applicable


We have implemented the same requirement in a different way. We have added statistics collector policy in each flow, which adds the flow name into analytics using flow variable.

Later you can fetch anaylytics data using this property.