FlowCallout schema

Not applicable

Where can I find the latest schema for the flow_callout policy? The version here flow_callout.xsd doesn't appear to be up to date, and has not been updated for release 4.17.01

0 3 168

The schema seems valid and up-to-date. The policy definition hasn't changed since this feature was introduced, which is why there are no newer commits containing a change for this file.

cc: @Floyd Jones

Maybe I have misunderstood the schema, but Edge 4.17.01 allows a flow_callout policy with FaultRules and Properties elements. I cannot see these mentioned in the schema. I.e. if I add those elements to the policy I get no error, but adding other elements does create an error, so it appears that those tags are explicitly valid, yet they are (as far as I can tell) not mentioned in the schema in GitHub.

@robinwilkins, I have a ticket open with engineering to get updated schemas (MGMT-3890). Apologies for the inconvenience.