HTTP2 Apigee support for PWA

Not applicable

Hi, we have recently move our API infrastructure to Apigee with great application of the proxy use cases on many different fields.

Unfortunately we saw that there is no HTTP2 support mandatory for us because of large use of client side API requests in our PWA progressi web app client development (you can take a look at HP ).

Anyone had the same need in the past? Any ideas on how to solve/bypass this issue?

As said it's mandatory for us

The strange aspect is why a complete and solid infrastructure like Apigee doesn't support in 2017 HTTP2 while being a standard de facto on web API development.

Thanks in advance fo any feedback and support,


1 3 969

To be honest, we have not seen a significant interest in http2 yet (but I expect it will grow). Can you share a bit more about why http2 is mandatory with your APIs? If we understand the requirements a bit better it may help discover solutions or alternatives.

Not applicable

Hi Carlos, and thanks for the interest.

Yes as you can find in my previous links HTTP2 is particular interesting when creating a progressive web app where there is an high number of parallel requests that browser can handle in a perfect way only using http2 protocol.

Main objective of course is related to increasing performances of the web app.

Take a look also at the differences:

Decrease latency to improve page load speed in web browsers by considering:

Data compression of HTTP headers

HTTP/2 Server Push

Pipelining of requests

Fixing the head-of-line blocking problem in HTTP 1.x

Multiplexing multiple requests over a single TCP connection

Everyone on CDN space is adopting HTTP2 for the last 2 years because a lot of saving in terms of resources.

Please let me know.



Hi, Apigee support,

do you have any plan to support http/2 please for 2019 this year or next year ? the other API Management vendors (amazon, azura ) also starts supporting http/2.