How to access from windows chrome browser UI web interface to centos 6.4 vmbox all in one instalation?

Not applicable

I am using windows 7 in my laptop, I have vmbox with a centos 6.4 I have installed apigee 15.04, all in one, apparently all the processes are running properly but i don't know how to access from chrome to the WEB UI of apigee private cloud of my vm.

When my vm network setting is set to bridge adapter, I get and IP , and i can reach it from windows using ping command, but when i have to start all apigee components everything fails.

Here is my check output command from apigee when my network settings of vm is NAT, and my ifconfig below:

Check Processes: ---------------- slapd (pid 3349) is running... ZooKeeper (pid 1816) is running... Cassandra (pid 2619) is running... qpidd (pid 4086) is running... postgresql (pid 4370) is running... management-server (pid 4905) is running... router (pid 5959) is running... message-processor (pid 6864) is running... qpid-server (pid 7839) is running... postgres-server (pid 8752) is running... Apigee UI (pid 9669) is running... Check Services: --------------- Management Server: UUID=f88e663b-1bf8-4f3b-98ca-a17f37192c36 ==> 200 Router: UUID=bb5696a7-4156-4e8d-9ad9-92b641a82500 ==> 200 Message Processor: UUID=d9cc3b07-33a2-4979-8211-7e7dd93c6402 ==> 200 Qpid Server: UUID=4a949ba8-2e4e-4f9f-b667-97839ecaa697 ==> 200 Postgres Server: UUID=84ac1d28-3c9d-4bb2-9c76-dab944cb1659 ==> 200 Check Registrations: -------------------- Next check pod central. --> curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/v1/servers?pod=central [...] [ { "externalHostName" : "localhost", "externalIP" : "", "internalHostName" : "localhost", "internalIP" : "", "isUp" : true, "pod" : "central", "reachable" : true, "region" : "dc-1", "tags" : { "property" : [ { "name" : "", "value" : "1440709819364" }, { "name" : "startup.time", "value" : "1 minutes(s) 20 second(s)" }, { "name" : "Profile", "value" : "AXPlatformAgentService" }, { "name" : "rpc.port", "value" : "4529" }, { "name" : "", "value" : "8083" }, { "name" : "jmx.rmi.port", "value" : "1102" }, { "name" : "up.time", "value" : "1 minutes(s) 18 second(s)" } ] }, "type" : [ "qpid-server" ], "uUID" : "4a949ba8-2e4e-4f9f-b667-97839ecaa697" }, { "internalIP" : "", "isUp" : true, "pod" : "central", "reachable" : true, "region" : "dc-1", "tags" : { "property" : [ ] }, "type" : [ "application-datastore", "auth-datastore", "apimodel-datastore", "user-settings-datastore", "audit-datastore" ], "uUID" : "00dd8236-037e-401d-80ea-88d9fb81a6ad" }, { "externalHostName" : "localhost", "externalIP" : "", "internalHostName" : "localhost", "internalIP" : "", "isUp" : true, "pod" : "central", "reachable" : true, "region" : "dc-1", "tags" : { "property" : [ { "name" : "", "value" : "1440709346866" }, { "name" : "startup.time", "value" : "2 minutes(s) 16 second(s)" }, { "name" : "Profile", "value" : "ManagementServer" }, { "name" : "rpc.port", "value" : "4526" }, { "name" : "", "value" : "8080" }, { "name" : "jmx.rmi.port", "value" : "1099" }, { "name" : "up.time", "value" : "2 minutes(s) 8 second(s)" } ] }, "type" : [ "management-server" ], "uUID" : "f88e663b-1bf8-4f3b-98ca-a17f37192c36" } ] ==> 200 Next check pod gateway. --> curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/v1/servers?pod=gateway [...] [ { "externalHostName" : "localhost", "externalIP" : "", "internalHostName" : "localhost", "internalIP" : "", "isUp" : true, "pod" : "gateway", "reachable" : true, "region" : "dc-1", "tags" : { "property" : [ { "name" : "", "value" : "1440709619529" }, { "name" : "startup.time", "value" : "1 minutes(s) " }, { "name" : "Profile", "value" : "Router-Netty" }, { "name" : "rpc.port", "value" : "4527" }, { "name" : "", "value" : "8081" }, { "name" : "jmx.rmi.port", "value" : "1100" }, { "name" : "up.time", "value" : "58 second(s)" } ] }, "type" : [ "router" ], "uUID" : "bb5696a7-4156-4e8d-9ad9-92b641a82500" }, { "externalHostName" : "localhost", "externalIP" : "", "internalHostName" : "localhost", "internalIP" : "", "isUp" : true, "pod" : "gateway", "reachable" : true, "region" : "dc-1", "tags" : { "property" : [ { "name" : "jmx.rmi.port", "value" : "1101" }, { "name" : "http.port", "value" : "8998" }, { "name" : "", "value" : "8082" }, { "name" : "", "value" : "1440709703032" }, { "name" : "http.ssl.flag", "value" : "false" }, { "name" : "rpc.port", "value" : "4528" }, { "name" : "Profile", "value" : "MessageProcessor" }, { "name" : "startup.time", "value" : "1 minutes(s) 26 second(s)" }, { "name" : "up.time", "value" : "1 minutes(s) 24 second(s)" } ] }, "type" : [ "message-processor" ], "uUID" : "d9cc3b07-33a2-4979-8211-7e7dd93c6402" }, { "internalIP" : "", "isUp" : true, "pod" : "gateway", "reachable" : true, "region" : "dc-1", "tags" : { "property" : [ ] }, "type" : [ "dc-datastore", "cache-datastore", "keyvaluemap-datastore", "kms-datastore", "counter-datastore" ], "uUID" : "535c42be-4f4b-4783-ab36-f19a6ce82d5e" } ] ==> 200 Next check pod analytics. --> curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/v1/servers?pod=analytics [...] [ { "externalHostName" : "localhost", "externalIP" : "", "internalHostName" : "localhost", "internalIP" : "", "isUp" : true, "pod" : "analytics", "reachable" : true, "region" : "dc-1", "tags" : { "property" : [ { "name" : "", "value" : "1440709934298" }, { "name" : "startup.time", "value" : "1 minutes(s) 12 second(s)" }, { "name" : "Profile", "value" : "AXPlatformAgentService" }, { "name" : "rpc.port", "value" : "4530" }, { "name" : "", "value" : "8084" }, { "name" : "jmx.rmi.port", "value" : "1103" }, { "name" : "up.time", "value" : "1 minutes(s) 10 second(s)" } ] }, "type" : [ "postgres-server" ], "uUID" : "84ac1d28-3c9d-4bb2-9c76-dab944cb1659" }, { "internalIP" : "", "isUp" : true, "pod" : "analytics", "reachable" : true, "region" : "dc-1", "tags" : { "property" : [ ] }, "type" : [ "reportcrud-datastore", "analytics-datastore" ], "uUID" : "e0292e70-4ce0-4eb2-975b-3c0d7bbaf36f" } ] ==> 200


eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 08:00:27:88:D3:8B inet addr: Bcast: Mask: inet6 addr: fe80::a00:27ff:fe88:d38b/64 Scope:Link UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:7 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:15 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 RX bytes:2152 (2.1 KiB) TX bytes:1898 (1.8 KiB) lo Link encap:Local Loopback inet addr: Mask: inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host UP LOOPBACK RUNNING MTU:65536 Metric:1 RX packets:23689 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:23689 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:0 RX bytes:2605801 (2.4 MiB) TX bytes:2605801 (2.4 MiB)

0 15 1,814

Not applicable

What virtual provider are you using?

Oracle VM Virtual Box 4.3.30

Not applicable

OPTION 1: Just start using Vagrant

So i pretty much exclusively use a vagrant setup to make VMs for testing now. Which means I dont really touch the vbox console with my hands...

In vagrant i set up my network like this:

# :private_network, ip: ip :private_network, ip: servers["ip"]

Where the value of servers["ip"] is a static ip address which i currently have set to this:


You can use dynamic - but its just easier to get started w/ static.

This setting leaves me with 3 network entries in my linux server (im on OEL 6.5 which is more or less CENTOS):

[vagrant@apigee-all-in-one ~]$ ifconfigeth0Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 08:00:27:A1:9A:C8
inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
inet6 addr: fe80::a00:27ff:fea1:9ac8/64 Scope:Link
RX packets:1051 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:656 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
RX bytes:113516 (110.8 KiB)  TX bytes:91551 (89.4 KiB)eth1      

Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 08:00:27:E6:FF:75
inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask: addr: fe80::a00:27ff:fee6:ff75/64 Scope:Link
RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:8 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
RX bytes:0 (0.0 b)  TX bytes:588 (588.0 b)

Link encap:Local Loopback
inet addr:  Mask:
inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
RX bytes:0 (0.0 b)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 b)

You will notice that the Link in the middle is the one that has the static IP address. How is this showing in VBOX console?

This is what the network settings on the GUEST host look like:


And here is how the host system is configured with this special host only network:



Now - at this point you should be asking: "well thats awesome -but where did you define this magic static IP address?" And right now - my answer is "in my vagrantfile" Because I dont do this manually anymore - and have no clue where to define it in the UI. I will attach a vagrant file in a comment if anyone wants to use this technique. (you can figure out how to use vagrant from if you want to)

At that point if you install AIO correctly you will be able to access the various services on the correct ports from your host machine.

Quick Appendix: HOST == machine you run VBOX, etc on.

Benjamin Goldman I read your reply, Now Suppose that you have apigee AIO installed on your linux VM, how do you access from chrome browser in windows?, I can't figure it out how to reach the apigee web UI interface from my chrome in linux.





So you need a HOST ONLY adapter to be able to reach it from your host computer. You can also make port forwarding work - but i never tried that.m From windows (if that is your host OS) you would indeed hit the address "" in my setup.

There are a couple of steps you will need to do to be able to log in (create an org for instance) but that is all covered in the OPDK/Private Cloud manual.

As for how to do it from "on linux" i dont have an answer for that. I havnt used a linux box w/ a UI.. well.. pretty much ever. I use them as containers at scale generally.

Yes i have created and organization user and environments in mi opdk instalation.

so from your screenshot above you are still using a NAT network only rather than adding a "host only" network. Again - I STRONGLY recommend using vagrant for this as it allows you to abstract all of this from general knowledge into a configuration setting in a file.. but.. if you need to know how to create and use a "host only" network here are some screenshots:

Open VBOX and follow this:





(you can see above that i have a LOT of host only networks!)


Be aware that at the above step you are going to need to UAC approve... your computer is building a new networks...

At this point you have a new "host only" network to use.. next lets use it...

I cant post anymore images - so you are going to have to basicaly do this:

1) create a new machine

2) edit its network settings

3) add a NEW NIC, which is on this host-only network

4) only then do you start the server. You should have 3 networks when you are done.

Sorry but I can't see any of your screenshots.

@Benjamin Goldman you might need to post screenshots in an answer instead of comment - there seems to be a bug preventing attachments in comments.

Ill fix this tonight. I have them all saved.

Thanks you,

ill also package up a vagrant file, and some instructions on how to use it with a publicly available centos box file so you can get a server started w/o the mess.

Just incase you want to. Just check back here tomorrowish.

Not applicable

FYI - can you paste that crazy output in a text file and attach it? Its kind hard to read in this format - and im not sure if I missed a detail...

Not applicable

OPTION 2: set up a host only network in VBOX (Part 1)

note: i cant upload all of the images to one answer.. have fun!

If you need to know how to create and use a "host only" network here are some screenshots:

go to vbox preferences


select network


select host-only networks tab


select "add"


you will need to accept the UAC popup now as vbox creates a new network


To Be Continued....

Not applicable

OPTION 2: set up a host only network in VBOX (Part 2)

note: i cant upload all of the images to one answer.. have fun!

You will see your new host-only network here


go to your new virtual machine (i created one called "TEST")


select network and adapter 2


set the network settings like so: (note that you will need to use your own Name and Adapter Type, and your mac address wont match this image)


At this point - if you spin up your instance - you should have a host only network connection. If you go back to "Part I" and set the host only network to enable DCHP you will get an auto assigned ip address.

if something doesnt work you are going to have to play with it for a bit... every installation is a bit different.