How to add Backend Service URL and other details while creating an API proxy using Rest API call?

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I want to create a proxy with Backend Service URL and other details using the REST API call given in the documentation. How can I do that. The documentation speaks only of accepting the name of the proxy

0 3 5,352

Hi Hardik,

Could you please provide a little more information about what you want to do? Which documentation topic(s) are you referring to? Maybe provide an example of how you expect to call your API and what you're trying to achieve.


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Hi Witman,

I want to create an API proxy in Apigee using a REST API service call. I checked the documentation but the the API to create a proxy just takes the name of the proxy. I also want to add other details like the Service Backend URL, description etc. I do not see any parameter in the call to which I can pass the info. Can you guide me onto that?

Hi Hardik,

Thanks -- now I see what you're trying to do. You're using the /apis API described here to create a new proxy, and finding that it creates an "empty" proxy. Presumably, you can call this API with the JSON description of the API that includes more than just the name. See the "proxy update" API for a little more insight on how you might do that.

However, at this time, I feel the docs for this API are incomplete, and I will open a doc issue to pursue addressing that. I would expect the doc to explain why you would use this API and give examples of how to call it. In addition, I don't see clear docs on how to add endpoints, policies, etc through the API (if that's possible to do).

Until then, I believe you have two ways to create API proxies. (1) You can use the Edge UI, as explained in this tutorial. Or (2) you can develop a proxy locally in an XML editor and deploy it using the command-line utility, or by importing the proxy through the UI.

An open source project called Sweetlime can be used to develop Edge API proxies locally. You might want to check that out if you use the Sublime editor.