How to configure loadbalancer configurations in config.json when using apigee maven plugin

Can anyone please given a sample of config.json of apigee maven plugin where load balancer is put in place with at least three server names configured? I am not getting an idea of how to configure the same.config.txt

PFA of the config.txt explaining the scenario

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Have got the idea of how to acheive it, the configuration should be something like this,

"targets": [
"name": "promotion.xml","tokens": [
"xpath": "/TargetEndpoint/HTTPTargetConnection/LoadBalancer/Algorithm","value": "RoundRobin"},{
"xpath": "/TargetEndpoint/HTTPTargetConnection/LoadBalancer/Server[1]/@name","value": ""},{
"xpath": "/TargetEndpoint/HTTPTargetConnection/LoadBalancer/Server[2]/@name","value": ""},{
"xpath": "/TargetEndpoint/HTTPTargetConnection/LoadBalancer/Server[3]/@name","value": ""},{
"xpath": "/TargetEndpoint/HTTPTargetConnection/LoadBalancer/MaxFailures","value": "10"},{
"xpath": "/TargetEndpoint/HTTPTargetConnection/LoadBalancer/RetryEnabled","value": "true"}
