How to resolve conflict between resource paths?

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I have the following set of endpoints:


I created Product and I would like to restrict access to some endpoints.

I would like to get access only for set of endpoints:


So, according to this post Making sense of API Product configuration and this one Configuring the behavior of a Resource Path, I tried to create the next restrictions:

Paths Resource Path
API Proxies API Proxy

But the restriction /users/* covers /users/specific-information, /users/plans, /users/todos, /users/shared-links as well.

Question is: Is the way to replace asterisk in the following restriction on {id}?


It should look like:

Paths Resource Path
API Proxies API Proxy

or kind of that?

0 1 362

Nope, not as far as I know.

You may want to consider rethinking your URL design, though. Independently of this issue around API Product segmentation, it's weird to me, to allow "specific-information" in the place where an ID should appear.

maybe you want /user-specific-information and /users/{id} .

That would disambiguate.