How to store Apigee code in stash.

Any document regarding how to save apigee code in stash.

0 2 183

What exactly is "stash"?

Apigee configuration for API proxies is just XML files. In fact you can download any proxy as a "bundle" - which is just a zip file containing a bunch of XML files and resource files. You can store the bundle anywhere, either exploded or not.

Other configuration - like that for API products, or KVM, or vhosts etc... can also be stored as XML or JSON. They're just files. There is nothing special about them.

I assume you mean Atlassian Stash which is now known as Bitbucket Server and is a popular Git Repository.

As Dino mentioned, Apigee code are just configuration files. You would store them into a SCM like any other code.

What is the complication you are running into?