ISSUE regarding Analytics while retrieved records

@Dino @Anil Sagar @ Google @Siddharth Barahalikar

There are some APIS which has huge traffic

let this api named "abc" has records more than 20000.But if exclude limit=14400 in the request then i got just only 1000 records.


and then i have added limit=14400 in this request as shown below


now i could able to get 14400 records ..but it has more than 14400 records and lost some data

I programmed this entire functionality in java program.

can anyone please assist me on how to retrieve full records????.

Thanks in advance..

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Yes, two ideas for you:

- use larger time units . If you use "month" as a time unit you will get 1 record per month. If you use hour, you will get 24 per day. If you use minute you will get 1440 records for each day in your time interval. Using a larger time unit will give you fewer records.

- break up the query into multiple queries with adjacent timespans. If you want 2 weeks of data and you want to query by minute, that is 14 days * 1440 records/day = 20160 records, which is over the limit enforced by the stats API of 14400 records. So... query for each week separately, retrieving 10080 records for each query.

--break up the query into multiple queries with adjacent timespans.

  • if i want to fetch records for 1 month span, can something be done like this??
  1. https://{host}/v1/organizations/{xyz}/environments/{abc}/stats/apiproxy?select=sum(message_count)&ti...01/01/2019%2000:00~01/07/2019%2000:00&timeUnit=minute&filter=(apiproxy%20eq%20'abc')&limit=14400
  2. https://{host}/v1/organizations/{xyz}/environments/{abc}/stats/apiproxy?select=sum(message_count)&ti...01/07/2019%2000:00~01/14/2019%2000:00&timeUnit=minute&filter=(apiproxy%20eq%20'abc')&limit=14400
  3. https://{host}/v1/organizations/{xyz}/environments/{abc}/stats/apiproxy?select=sum(message_count)&ti...01/14/2019%2000:00~01/21/2019%2000:00&timeUnit=minute&filter=(apiproxy%20eq%20'abc')&limit=14400
  4. https://{host}/v1/organizations/{xyz}/environments/{abc}/stats/apiproxy?select=sum(message_count)&ti...01/21/2019%2000:00~02/28/2019%2000:00&timeUnit=minute&filter=(apiproxy%20eq%20'abc')&limit=14400
  • which can be iterated in loop using programmatic approach.
  • Could i use above approach to get more records??