JMX doesn't give the information you want

Not applicable

we are doing some tests with a on-premise installation and are trying to monitor the system through JMX. However, the documentation is... well.. mostly just wrong.

The part described here: tells us to enable JMX by adding the lines

But when I do this, the MS fails to start because it's trying to connect to a port that is already in use.

Turns out, it already started JMX. After a lot of trial and error I can make a connection from JConsole.

I cannot however get the information from MBeans as described in the documentation. For example, i would like to see the responseCounts from the Router.

Connecting jconsole to service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://<ip address>:1100/apigee doesn't give me the information i want.

Am I missing something?

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Not applicable

@Wouter Leijdes what version of Edge are you using?

we are using 4.16.05

Sorry for the late reply, but the doc link you reference is for Edge 4.17.05. The link you want is: which does not require those lines.

Were you able to make any progress?


one other comment: Isn't the JMX URL:

service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://<ip address>:<port>/platform
