Monitoring of APIGEE components

Hi Team,

I have a query regarding the monitoring of APIGEE components. As we know there are multiple components involve in APIGEE like: Edge Management Server, Cassandra, Zookeeper, Router, Message Processor etc.

How we can moitnor the above components, is it possible to do so , if yes please suggest accordingly. Many Thanks in advance.



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Hi Pratyush

Following Apigee documentation page contains quite detail information about how to monitor each components on edge for private cloud.

Hope this helps.

Hi Team & @Jayesh Upadhyay

Thanks for your reply and answer.

My complete APIGEE setup is in cloud and we are using SAAS version. So is it possible to moitor the components or do i need some different approach.



@Pratyush Singh

I have been working on Private cloud version and it allows you to monitor individual components . As far as I understand Apigee cloud SAAS version that's different. In SAAS version it hides all the complexity of inner working of individual components.

Following documentation page explains monitoring where you can use Edge UI (using Custom Reports) or Management API calls.

This will allow you to monitor things like ( few examples )

  • Latency
  • Total response time
  • Target response time
  • Proxy errors
  • Target errors
  • Faultcodes

What is the rational behind monitoring Apigee components in your case , Is it Business requirement or you are trying to understand the inner working of the product?



@Jayesh Upadhyay

Thanks alot for your qick response. It really helps 🙂

As per our requirement , we want to monitor the components too because we want to have a clear idea in case if there will be any latency/error due to any APIGEE components. As far as other monitoring aspects, like Latency, Total Response Time etc (mentioned above) is understandable and can configurable. But just to get more granular control over all components we want to achieve this. We dont want to be in a clueless situation, when in future if any issue happens due to APIGEE components.



@Pratyush Singh

I understand what you are trying to achieve here.I would say best option for you to try and speak to Apigee account manager (or Engagement Lead at Google or contact person) for your organisation and start the conversation .Alternatively you can raise a ticket on Support Portal and start the conversation on that platform.

