OPDK installation document and high-level architecture for an RFP response

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Can anyone share APIGEE Edge OPDK installation document ?

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Hi Subhabrata,

You can download all product installers and Private Cloud (OPDK) specific documentation in one of the following ways using the credentials you were given:

FTP: ftp.apigee.com

HTTP: https://ftp.apigee.com

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It appears a username/password is required. I am only trying to figure out a high-level architecture for an RFP response. I do not necessarily require the binaries, but rather a document that tells me what product licenses may be required for an OPDK. Note: I've looked at the RFP template and it is a fluffy (aka no real information on deployment from what I can discern). I am interested in Edge.

@Jennifer Bester Are you looking only for licensing requirements? Then you need just an Apigee Edge private cloud license. You just need one single all encompassing license.

Hi @Jennifer Bester , from a licensing standpoint, our public cloud and private cloud (i.e. OPDK) licensing is the same - you license Apigee Edge. As of now, none of the underlying technology components that make up the Apigee Edge architecture require separate licenses. Beyond the core capabilities that are included in the Apigee Edge license one can add additional options (e.g. Monetization) depending on your requirements. These options do require additional licensing. Some options, for example, API-DN (i.e. multi-region deployment) are only applicable to the public cloud offering.

As far as the RFP Template is concerned, it includes requirements that customers must consider in an API Management Platform. The RFP Template is not meant to provide details about the Apigee Edge product.

As @Maudrit has correctly pointed out in his earlier reply, details about deploying Apigee Edge in an on-premises environment is documented in the OPDK Installation and Configuration documentation, which is available to our OPDK customers on our FTP site upon authentication with proper credentials.

We will be reaching out to you directly to get your specific questions answered so that you can get your RFP response completed accurately.

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Hi @Jennifer Bester , from a licensing standpoint, our public cloud and private cloud (i.e. OPDK) licensing is the same - you license Apigee Edge. As of now, none of the underlying technology components that make up the Apigee Edge architecture require separate licenses. Beyond the core capabilities that are included in the Apigee Edge license one can add additional options (e.g. Monetization) depending on your requirements. These options do require additional licensing. Some options, for example, API-DN (i.e. multi-region deployment) are only applicable to the public cloud offering.

As far as the RFP Template is concerned, it includes requirements that customers must consider in an API Management Platform. The RFP Template is not meant to provide details about the Apigee Edge product.

As @Maudrit correctly pointed out, details about deploying Apigee Edge in an on-premises environment is documented in the OPDK Installation and Configuration documentation, which is available to our OPDK customers on our FTP site upon authentication with proper credentials.

We will be reaching out to you directly to get your specific questions answered so that you can get your RFP response completed accurately.