Proxy alarms

We are looking into to set alarms on proxies yo get alerts on unusual long response times and on failed requests. At the moment we thinking of building a service that pulls the analytics data, conver the format and send it to grafana and set the alarms there.

I would like to know other solution that is in use for setting these kinds of alarms.

I was sad to see it seems like the monitoring dashboard that was in beta in no longer mentioned in the documentation.

0 4 339

Hi @Olof Haglund, I guess you are talking about API Health, which is no longer available.

If you are an Apigee Edge Cloud Enterprise user, then have a look at API Monitoring .


Try using the Message Logging policy, which can be used to calculate the response times and send the logs to third-party systems like Splunk, ELK through SysLog(TCP or UDP).

PFA a sample Proxy logging various information to Loggly,

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<MessageLogging async="false" continueOnError="false" enabled="true" name="ML-logging-msg-loggly">
        <Message variablePrefix="%" variableSuffix="#">[6d04a707-e504-4daf-b25e-5707ae614e56@41058 tag="apigee-edge-syslog" tag="" tag="" ]
            "requestScheme": "%log.client.scheme#",








We use private cloud

Did you explore the Message Logging Policy? In private cloud, we can also save the log as a file on disk.

Why would one want to do that? The analytics data has all the data is needed.