SmartDoc authentication does not work anymore

OAuth2 from our developer portal stopped working a week ago.

When redirecting to{org}/apimodels/{model}/templateauths/{scheme}/callback?state..., access token is not negocatied and the window displays the "Error: access_token negociation failure". We have been checking the security scheme of our model and everything is in order. Using same conf for performing OAuth2 outside the portal is working as well.

No revision of this model was created a week ago... It just stopped working.

0 8 441

Have you found a solution to this as we are having the same problem. Nothing changed yet now we are getting a HTML response:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8"/>
    <title>Sign in</title>
    <meta name="description" content="Sign in with Apigee"/>
    <meta name="copyright" content="2012 Apigee"/>
    <meta name="distribution" content="global"/>
    <script ="text/javascript">
        function closeWindow() {
            var oauth2Credentials = {};
            oauth2Credentials.ERRORCODE = "apimodel.Non200ResponseForAccessToken";
            oauth2Credentials.ERRORMESSAGE = "Access token call to the provider returned an unexpected response.";
            oauth2Credentials.ACCESSTOKEN = "";
            oauth2Credentials.ACCESSTOKENTYPE = "";
            oauth2Credentials.ACCESSTOKENPARAMNAME = "";
            oauth2Credentials.PROXYURL = "";
            if (oauth2Credentials.ACCESSTOKEN) {
                window.opener.postMessage(oauth2Credentials, '*');
            } else {
                var el = document.createElement('div');
                el.innerHTML = '<p>Error: access_token negotiation failure</p><button onclick="self.close()">Close</button>';

No solution yet ...

Have you logged a case with Apigee? I did case number 1480180 and waiting to hear back.

Our case has an engineer working on it, I have emailed the YAML swagger file we created to import into drupal 7. The engineer looks like they are looking to duplicate the issue in their own tenancy.
The other part of the problem is we were previously using the Apigee Pantheon tenancy but have moved our instance to our own independent instance due to the policy changes from Apigee, so I am not sure that Apigee would be able to still get access to our pantheon portal management or git repo anymore.

Have you logged a case Lou?

No case logged yet. In the contrary I was waiting for the migration on our own instance at Pantheon to open a case with them. I cannot get support from apigee at the moment.

We have just had a response back on the call and it seems to be fixed for us now. Does it work for you now as well?

Yes, it is working for us as well !! Have you got any detail from Apigee on this issue ?

Thank you for the information and your comments !

I had an update from Apigee yesterday on our case saying that the code change was being deployed across the cloud tenancies. No specific details of what broke and what they did to fix it.
I also asked if there is a way to debug the callback, as I cannot see any way there is visibility on the callback requests made

So I assumed that they fixed it for everyone so wanted to check with you.