Test the Install - 4.17.01

Not applicable

I am following steps at the page http://docs.apigee.com/private-cloud/latest/test-install.

Following the command line where i have the error and the related configFile, could u please tell me where i wrong?



[root@ip-10-0-0-43 apigee]# /opt/apigee/apigee-service/bin/apigee-service apigee-validate setup -f configFile Checking for required variables Checking required variable MSIP...OK Checking required variable ADMIN_EMAIL...OK Checking for optional variables Found optional variable APIGEE_PORT_HTTP_MS...OK Found optional variable APIGEE_ADMINPW...OK Found optional variable VHOST_PORT...OK Found optional variable REGION...OK Found optional variable MP_POD...OK parse error: Invalid numeric literal at line 2, column 5 parse error: Invalid numeric literal at line 2, column 5 Error: getting pods in region [root@ip-10-0-0-43 apigee]# more configFile # With SMTP IP1= HOSTIP=$(hostname -i) ADMIN_EMAIL=opdk@google.com APIGEE_ADMINPW=Secret123 LICENSE_FILE=/tmp/license.txt MSIP=$IP1 LDAP_TYPE=1 APIGEE_LDAPPW=secret BIND_ON_ALL_INTERFACES=y MP_POD=gateway REGION=dc-1 ZK_HOSTS="$IP1" ZK_CLIENT_HOSTS="$IP1" # Must use IP addresses for CASS_HOSTS, not DNS names. CASS_HOSTS="$IP1" # Default is postgres PG_PWD=postgres SKIP_SMTP=n SMTPHOST=smtp.example.com SMTPUSER=smtp@example.com # omit for no username SMTPPASSWORD=smtppwd # omit for no password SMTPSSL=n SMTPPORT=25 SMTPMAILFROM="My Company <myco@company.com>" APIGEE_ADMINPW=Accenture.1

1 27 687

Not applicable

Looks like some issues with the routers. Can you go check if your router is up and running?

Also run curl -v http://localhost:8081/v1/servers/self on your router. @Cosimo

Not applicable

Please post the error and response/config file (without passwords). Use code format so it is easier to read.

Not applicable

Hi @Maruti Chand @Maudrit here the configfile and curl result :

[ec2-user@ip-10-0-0-43 ~]$  curl -v http://localhost:8081/v1/servers/self
* About to connect() to localhost port 8081 (#0)
*   Trying ::1...
* Connection refused
*   Trying
* Connection refused
* Failed connect to localhost:8081; Connection refused
* Closing connection 0
curl: (7) Failed connect to localhost:8081; Connection refused
# With SMTP
HOSTIP=$(hostname -i)
# Must use IP addresses for CASS_HOSTS, not DNS names.
# Default is postgres
# omit for no username
# omit for no password
SMTPMAILFROM="My Company <myco@company.com>"

Your router is not running, check the status and if it is not installed first install it @Cosimo

Not applicable

Make sure IPv6 is disable on the host. See related post:


Also, verify that hostname -i is returning the appropriate IP address (IPv4) and only the IP address.

Not applicable

hi @Maudrit i am checking about the IPV6 in the meantime i ran the command hostname -i

and i see in output only one IP.



@Cosimo were you able to find the issue?

Not applicable

Hi @Maudrit i have disabled ipv6 but i see this error :

Checking for optional variables
Found optional variable APIGEE_PORT_HTTP_MS...OK
Found optional variable APIGEE_ADMINPW...OK
Found optional variable VHOST_PORT...OK
Found optional variable REGION...OK
Found optional variable MP_POD...OK
parse error: Invalid numeric literal at line 2, column 5
parse error: Invalid numeric literal at line 2, column 5
Error: getting pods in region

Not applicable

hi @Maruti ChandI @Maudrit have a doubt , could be that i have to run this setup before proceed with test installation?

[root@ip-10-0-0-43 bin]# ./setup.sh
INFO: running setup as root
INFO: changing log location to /tmp/setup-root.log

Choose Apigee Profile.

  Single machine setups:
    sa  = Edge Standalone (Cassandra, Zookeeper, LDAP, Management Server, UI, Router and Message Processor)
    sax = Analytics Standalone (Qpid and Postgres)
    aio = All In One (Edge and Analytics Standalone)
    asa = API BaaS Standalone (Cassandra, Elasticsearch, API BaaS Stack, and API BaaS Portal)

  Cluster node setup for zookeeper and cassandra:
    ds  = Datastore Cluster Node
    c   = Cassandra Cluster Node Only

  OpenLDAP setup:
    ld  = LDAP Node

  Separate components setup:
    ms  = Edge Management Server, UI. LDAP by default
    ui  = Edge UI
    r   = Edge Router
    mp  = Edge Message Processor
    rmp = Edge Router and Message Processor
    qs  = Analytics Qpid Server
    ps  = Analytics Postgres Server
    pdb = Postgres database
    mo  = Monetization Server
    pp  = Monitoring servers
    dp  = devportal

  API BaaS setup:
    e   = Elasticsearch
    b   = API BaaS Stack
    p   = API BaaS Portal

    eb  = Elasticsearch and API BaaS Stack
    ebp = Elasticsearch, API BaaS Stack, and API BaaS Portal

yes, follow the installation order in the documents. test installation will create a org,env, proxy and test the end-end flow. You need all the components to be installed before you can run test the instance. @Cosimo

Not applicable

I have ran the setup command line using configFile and SA as option but i see an error at the end of the step. Can u say me which log i have to check? seems i dont see log for today.Is it the router installation included in SA option yes? See attached setup log.txt


Found optional variable LICENSE_FILE...File does not exist<br>Check that
What are you trying to do? are you trying single machine setups? how many nodes do you have?

Not applicable
@Maruti Chand

i have one single node, i want install all in one. SO how configure the configFile?



Either sa or aio. sa is without analytics.
LICENSE_FILE=/tmp/license.txt make sure it points to the right path and try the setup @Cosimo

Not applicable

@Maruti Chandi i don't find the license file. How can i get it?



@Cosimo the file is provided to your company after the purchase of the software. Please check with who ever is the primary point of contact for Apigee/Google at your company. I they don't have it, you can reach out to support to obtain a new file.

Not applicable

Hi @Maudrit @Maruti Chand by using the license.txt file i always have the same error, just is passed the check on the license as u can see below. Please can u say me what i wrong?


for optional variables

optional variable LICENSE_FILE...OK

optional variable APIGEE_ADMINPW...Invalid input: password must be at least 8
characters long

input: password must contain at least one uppercase letter

input: password must contain at least one digit or punctuation character

optional variable APIGEE_LDAPPW...OK

optional variable LDAP_PORT...OK

optional variable APIGEE_PORT_HTTP_MS...OK

optional variable MP_POD...OK

setup.sh: /opt/apigee/apigee-service/bin/apigee-service exited with unexpected
status 1

Looks like the issue is you password strength. Make sure your chose password for the Edge admin meets the minimum requirements (at least one uppercase letter, at least one digit or punctuation character).

Not applicable

@Paul Mibusthank you a lot the setup now is completed without any error. Please suggest me the next action. Can i know start the edge or is required any other setup/configuration?



Not applicable

@Paul Mibus i see many folders can u say me from what folder i can start the edge?

x.  1 apigee apigee   42 Jun 12 09:25 apigee-adminapi -> /opt/apigee/apigee-adminapi-4.17.05-0.0.42
drwxrwxr-x.  6 apigee apigee   56 Jun 12 09:25 apigee-adminapi-4.17.05-0.0.42
lrwxrwxrwx.  1 apigee apigee   45 Jun  7 12:15 apigee-attribution -> /opt/apigee/apigee-attribution-4.17.05-0.0.26
drwxrwxr-x.  3 apigee apigee  178 Jun  7 12:15 apigee-attribution-4.17.05-0.0.26
lrwxrwxrwx.  1 apigee apigee   44 Jun 12 09:00 apigee-cassandra -> /opt/apigee/apigee-cassandra-2.1.16-0.0.1049
drwxrwxr-x. 14 apigee apigee  270 Jun 12 09:00 apigee-cassandra-2.1.16-0.0.1049
lrwxrwxrwx.  1 apigee apigee   50 Jun 12 09:25 apigee-cassandra-client -> /opt/apigee/apigee-cassandra-client-2.1.16-0.0.967
drwxrwxr-x.  8 apigee apigee  173 Jun 12 09:25 apigee-cassandra-client-2.1.16-0.0.967
lrwxrwxrwx.  1 apigee apigee   45 Jun  7 12:15 apigee-configutil -> /opt/apigee/apigee-configutil-4.17.05-0.0.375
drwxrwxr-x.  4 apigee apigee   64 Jun  7 12:15 apigee-configutil-4.17.05-0.0.375
lrwxrwxrwx.  1 apigee apigee   38 Jun  7 12:15 apigee-lib -> /opt/apigee/apigee-lib-4.17.05-0.0.952
drwxrwxr-x.  5 apigee apigee  229 Jun  7 12:15 apigee-lib-4.17.05-0.0.952
lrwxrwxrwx.  1 apigee apigee   39 Jun 13 06:02 apigee-openldap -> /opt/apigee/apigee-openldap-2.4-0.0.941
drwxrwxr-x. 12 apigee apigee  139 Jun 13 06:02 apigee-openldap-2.4-0.0.941
lrwxrwxrwx.  1 apigee apigee   44 Jun 12 09:25 apigee-provision -> /opt/apigee/apigee-provision-4.17.05-0.0.906
drwxrwxr-x.  3 apigee apigee   17 Jun 12 09:25 apigee-provision-4.17.05-0.0.906
lrwxrwxrwx.  1 apigee apigee   42 Jun  7 12:15 apigee-service -> /opt/apigee/apigee-service-4.17.05-0.0.572
drwxrwxr-x.  4 apigee apigee   28 Jun  7 12:15 apigee-service-4.17.05-0.0.572
lrwxrwxrwx.  1 apigee apigee   40 Jun  8 05:34 apigee-setup -> /opt/apigee/apigee-setup-4.17.05-0.0.980
drwxrwxr-x.  4 apigee apigee   45 Jun  8 05:34 apigee-setup-4.17.05-0.0.980
lrwxrwxrwx.  1 apigee apigee   42 Jun 12 09:25 apigee-validate -> /opt/apigee/apigee-validate-4.17.05-0.0.33
drwxrwxr-x.  4 apigee apigee   32 Jun 12 09:25 apigee-validate-4.17.05-0.0.33
lrwxrwxrwx.  1 apigee apigee   42 Jun 12 08:45 apigee-zookeeper -> /opt/apigee/apigee-zookeeper-3.4.5-0.0.948
drwxrwxr-x. 14 apigee apigee 4096 Jun 12 08:45 apigee-zookeeper-3.4.5-0.0.948
-rw-rw-r--.  1 apigee apigee  619 Jun 20 09:18 configFile
drwxrwxr-x.  4 apigee apigee   73 Jun 13 06:02 customer
drwxrwxr-x.  9 apigee apigee  171 Jun 20 09:24 data
lrwxrwxrwx.  1 apigee apigee   41 Jun 13 06:02 edge-gateway -> /opt/apigee/edge-gateway-4.17.05-0.0.1144
drwxrwxr-x.  4 apigee apigee   28 Jun 13 06:02 edge-gateway-4.17.05-0.0.1144
lrwxrwxrwx.  1 apigee apigee   51 Jun 13 06:02 edge-management-server -> /opt/apigee/edge-management-server-4.17.05-0.0.1144
drwxrwxr-x. 15 apigee apigee  182 Jun 20 09:20 edge-management-server-4.17.05-0.0.1144
lrwxrwxrwx.  1 apigee apigee   51 Jun 20 09:23 edge-message-processor -> /opt/apigee/edge-message-processor-4.17.05-0.0.1144
drwxrwxr-x. 15 apigee apigee  182 Jun 20 09:23 edge-message-processor-4.17.05-0.0.1144
lrwxrwxrwx.  1 apigee apigee   40 Jun 20 09:23 edge-router -> /opt/apigee/edge-router-4.17.05-0.0.1144
drwxrwxr-x. 15 apigee apigee  195 Jun 20 09:23 edge-router-4.17.05-0.0.1144
lrwxrwxrwx.  1 apigee apigee   36 Jun 20 09:24 edge-ui -> /opt/apigee/edge-ui-4.17.05-0.0.3842
drwxrwxr-x. 11 apigee apigee  131 Jun 20 09:24 edge-ui-4.17.05-0.0.3842
drwxr-xr-x.  3 apigee apigee   50 Jun 13 06:02 etc
-rw-rw-r--.  1 apigee apigee  348 May 17  2016 license.txt
drwxrwxr-x.  3 apigee apigee   25 Jun  7 12:15 token
drwxrwxr-x.  5 apigee apigee   40 Jun  8 05:34 var

The final step is to onboard your first organization as described at http://docs.apigee.com/private-cloud/latest/onboard-organization. If you have already performed those steps, you're all set!

To start and stop Edge, follow the procedure at http://docs.apigee.com/private-cloud/latest/starting-stopping-and-restarting-apigee-edge. The main utilities you will use to manage your system are /opt/apigee/apigee-service/bin/apigee-service and /opt/apigee/apigee-service/bin/apigee-all.

Not applicable

hi @Paul Mibus i have used apige-all start and everything is fine, could u please tell me the url to see the edge ui?

I saw this into the log of edge-ui but when i use into the browse i dont see nothing :


Port 8080 is used for the management API. To view the UI, go to

Not applicable

Hi @Paul Mibus, I tried to setup the organization but I have few questions:

1) When I try to login to the UI appears the error message "Your credentials are valid, but you are not a member of an organization." Why? Can't I create the organization from the UI?

2) I followed the steps at the page http://docs.apigee.com/private-cloud/latest/onboard-organization
but when I run the command "apigee-service apigee-provision setup-org -f configFile" I get the following error:

[root@ip-10-0-0-43 bin]# /opt/apigee/apigee-service/bin/apigee-service apigee-provision setup-org -f /home/apigee/configOrganizationCpaasdcpp.conf
Sourcing in /opt/apigee/customer/defaults.sh
Checking for required variables
Checking required variable ADMIN_EMAIL...OK
Checking required variable ENV_NAME...OK
Checking required variable MSIP...OK
Checking required variable ORG_NAME...OK
Checking required variable VHOST_ALIAS...OK
Checking required variable VHOST_NAME...OK
Checking required variable VHOST_PORT...OK
Checking for optional variables
Found optional variable APIGEE_ADMINPW...OK
Found optional variable APIGEE_PORT_HTTP_MS...OK
Found optional variable FIRST_NAME...OK
Found optional variable LAST_NAME...OK
Found optional variable NEW_USER...OK
Found optional variable ORG_ADMIN...OK
Found optional variable USER_NAME...OK
Found optional variable USER_PWD...OK
This script will create an organization with an organization admin,
enable role based access control and create enviroments.
Create User
Checking for required variables
Checking required variable ADMIN_EMAIL...OK
Checking required variable FIRST_NAME...OK
Checking required variable LAST_NAME...OK
Checking required variable MSIP...OK
Checking required variable USER_NAME...OK
Checking required variable USER_PWD...OK
Checking for optional variables
Found optional variable APIGEE_ADMINPW...OK
Found optional variable APIGEE_PORT_HTTP_MS...OK
Error: Management Server not reachable

Do you know why I get that error?
Do you know if exists a log file and where is it?


p.s.: if useful, below there is a fac-simile of my configFile "configOrganizationCpaasdcpp.conf":

# Specify the IP or DNS name of the Management Server.
# Specify the Edge admin credentials.
APIGEE_ADMINPW=password  # If omitted, you are prompted for it.
# Specify organization name and administrator.
ORG_NAME=myorganization  # lowercase only, no spaces, underscores, or periods.
# Set the organization administrator.
# Do not use sys admin as organization administrator.
# Create a new user for the organization administrator. 
# New user information if NEW_USER="y".
# Specify an existing user as the organization admin,
# NEW_USER="n"
# ORG_ADMIN=existing@user.com
# Specify environment name. 
# Specify virtual host information.
# If you have a DNS entry for the virtual host.
# If you do not have a DNS entry for the virtual host, 
# specify the IP and port of each router as a space-separated list:
# VHOST_ALIAS="firstRouterIP:9001 secondRouterIP:9001" 
# Optionally set the base URL displayed by the Edge UI for an
# API proxy deployed to the virtual host.
# VHOST_BASEURL="http://myCo.com"
# Optionally configure TLS/SSL for virtual host.
# VHOST_SSL=y  # Set to "y" to enable TLS/SSL on the virtual host.
# KEYSTORE_JAR=  # JAR file containing the cert and private key.
# KEYSTORE_NAME=  # Name of the keystore. 
# KEYSTORE_ALIAS= # The key alias.
# KEY_PASSWORD=  # The key password, if it has one. 
# Specify the analytics group. 
# AXGROUP=axgroup-001 # Default name is axgroup-001.

1) The management UI is built to manage existing organizations, not the cluster state as a whole. For instance, the functions offered by APIs such as /v1/servers, /v1/users, /v1/regions and so on are not accessible from within the UI. The apigee-provision package is a wrapper around our management UIs for organization creation; once you complete that step you will be able to use the UI to manage that new organization.

2) The issue is that IP1 is set to an invalid address in your response file. Make sure the address of IP1 is your management server.