URGENT_Need HELP|| Analytics API - Resource level usage count for a proxy

Not applicable

Is there any dimension or filter available to get resource level usage for a particular proxy?

1 5 116

you can use Proxy Path Suffix

Thanks Sean!

Below is the curl command i tried , its ending up with 404 Bad request response. Is there anything i am not setting as expected?

curl -v -X GET https://apimanager.org.com/v1/o/<<org>>/environments/<<env>>/stats/proxy_pathsuffix?"select=sum(message_count)&timeRange=6/27/2017%2000:00~6/28/2017%2000:00&timeUnit=day&filter=apiproxy in ('api1','api2')" -u [username:pwd] >> per_proxy_pathsuffix.json

have you tried creating a custom report in the UI?


This is for On-Prem , hence using Analytics API.

I would still create the report in the UI as it pre-populates the possible dimensions (or using an API http://docs.apigee.com/management/apis/post/organizations/%7Borg_name%7D/reports) to debug your issue and then use the CSV/JSON export.

Hopefully this is a good starting point for debugging your issue