Unable to get KVM value when used within a shared flow in PostClientFlow

Hi ,


I am unable to read a KVM value from PostClientFlow, the value is always empty, but when i copy it to preflow hooks or anywhere else in the proxy, it is setting the correct value. Are there any restrictions on the KVM usage on PostClientFlow? Apigee OPDK v4.51?

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Hi @anandrudran,

Yes there are restrictions, only MessageLogging, ServiceCallout (Apigee X/Hybrid), FlowCallout and ExtensionCallout (Edge/OPDK) policies are allowed. If you are using a FlowCallout, only the allowed policies in the Shared Flow will execute.

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Hi @anandrudran,

Yes there are restrictions, only MessageLogging, ServiceCallout (Apigee X/Hybrid), FlowCallout and ExtensionCallout (Edge/OPDK) policies are allowed. If you are using a FlowCallout, only the allowed policies in the Shared Flow will execute.