What Happens When Payment is Due for Postpaid Plan?


I want to know what happens to the developer when he does not pay in time(Within the Overdue config) For a POSTPAID Plan.

we can set Payment Due days Like 30,60,90..etc (Which is Overdue).

For example:

Consider below Rate plans

Plan Premium Plan Lite

Plan Name: Premium Plan

Type: Postpaid

Recurring: Yes, Monthly

Volume Based Plan

Payment Due: 30 days

Plan Lite Plan

Name: Lite Plan

Type: Postpaid

Recurring: Yes, Monthly

volume Based Plan

Payment Due Days : 0 days


1. Assume that developer 'DEV-1' subscribes to Plan Premium at JAN-1-2020

his payment day is next month 1st Which is FEB-1-2020 and he does not pay till

March-1-2020 (he reached his payment Due date), so after the Payment Due is reached what happens to the Developer.?

-> whether his app gets blocked?

->or all of his apps get blocked?

->or Developer is Blocked with his access to other plans and login..etc?

2. Assume that developer 'DEV-2' subscribes to Plan Lite at JAN-1-2020

so after FEB-1-2020 (He completed one month), this plan has zero days of the payment due so what happens to this developer if he does not pay in time?

-> whether his app gets blocked?

->or all of his apps get blocked?

->or Developer is Blocked with his access to other plans and login..etc?

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Its up to your billing policies as to whether or not you block the developer.
You can block the developer by adjusting their credit limit such that there is insufficient credit and then the Monetization Limit check policy would enforce any calls for which that developer purchased rate plans.

Docs: https://apidocs.apigee.com/api-reference/content/monetization-apis#credit-limit