Why are the dimensions added to the report not shown?

I have created a custom report, in which I initially configured a single dimension (custom dimension); but after a few hours of using it several times, I edited it and added another custom dimension; and more than two (2) days have passed and the second dimension that I added has not yet been shown in the execution of the report. To produce that the new dimension is reflected, I have edited the report and I have saved it with changes several times, but it is not reflected (both in the upper left where it says "Dimension" and which gives the option to filter, as in the bottom left where it says "Summary").

¿What should I do to show the second custom dimension in the report display?

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I believe names with a . are not valid.

Names can include [a-z][0-9] and '_'

View solution in original post


The situation is not clear. Can you show me what's happening with screenshots?



In the screen of configuration of the report you see that I have defined two dimensions: "previewdata_apiid" and "previewdata_apiownerid", however in the screen of execution of the report you see that only the dimension "previewdata_apiid" is shown. I need to show both dimensions in the execution of the report.

Thank you, I see what you mean now.

Possibly the problem is that no transactions have been recorded, for the environment and time interval that you selected, that include the apiownerid field.

In the custom report designer, the dimension fields there are populated by looking into the analytics database for any transactions, at any point, any environment. But when the custom report executes, you select an environment, and a time interval. and that field may not be present in the subset of data that gets returned.

To rectify the problem, try one of these steps:

  • select a different environment
  • select a different time interval
  • run more requests through the environment

I followed your instructions to ensure that they registered transactions with the field "apiownerid: with different environments, different time intervals, execute more requests, but still did not see the dimension" previewdata_apiownerid "in the report display.

Although reviewing well I found that in the "Statistics Collector" policy the field was defined as "Float" type. And it really must be "String": I changed it to "String" type, and I generated again requests to the server, and I waited more than 30 minutes and even more than 1 hour, but the problem continues.

Anyway, thank you very much.

I tell them that I think I have an advance: I can already visualize the vast majority of the dimensions at the moment of setting up a report, for a "StatisticsCollector" type that I created. At the beginning I could visualize only one (1) dimension of the total of nine (9) that I generated in the "StatisticsCollector" policy: now I can visualize eight (8) - I still need to visualize one.

Well, what I think this produced me of being able to visualize more dimensions, I think it was the fact of eliminating two other "StatisticsCollector" type policies that I had created in the proxy; I also eliminated the two corresponding "ExtractVariables" policies. Although there is a detail: I still figure the dimensions of the policies that I already eliminated; I think that if I have already eliminated the policies that generate them, it should no longer appear in the "Dimension" drop-down lists. So I also eliminated the reports that used these old dimensions: but still these dimensions keep appearing in the lists. ¿How do I eliminate these dimensions that I no longer use?.

Please ¿Someone could also help me by giving me ideas so that I can see the dimension that I still can not see in the drop-down lists when I set up the reports ? I generate multiple data and all other dimensions appear, except this one.

If I understand correctly, you're trying to use a statistics collector policy for 9 statistics but you can only see 8 of them in the drop down list?

Are you using a valid name for your statistic? Can you confirm via trace the statistics collector policy is getting executed

Yes, that's right, there are 9 dimensions that I want to be able to show in reports. The name of the dimension that does not appear in the drop-down list at the moment of configuring the report is "datahub_ExecuteReport_status.name" - I do not see what is an invalid name. I must make the observation of the other eight dimensions also start in their names by "datahub_ExecuteReport _...".

The resource within "default" in "Proxy Endpoints" for which the StatisticsCollector policy was placed in its RESPONSE flow is POST, so I think I can not do Trace in Apigee.

I believe names with a . are not valid.

Names can include [a-z][0-9] and '_'

Yes, Thank you very much, I corrected the point (".") - I changed it to "_", and the dimension appears in the drop-down list.